7 ways to promote your mobile applications
After finalizing the Indian App Developers for your mobile application development, you have to start thinking about the promotional activities of your mobile application, so your application can reach to more and more users. Promotion of application is as much important as mobile application development as without marketing no one will get benefits of your application if they do not know about your application. In this article, we are providing you the top ideas to promote the application that allows you to reach maximum users.
1. Promotional Website
This is necessary for any application. You can provide updates about your application on your website. You can explain the benefits of your application and why they need to install your application into their devices. You can create a video tutorial to explain how to use your application. Add your applications download links.
2. Social Media
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Everyone knows that social media can change anyone’s life and has great power to reach the maximum audience. You can create a page about your application and grow a community on that page. You have also option to advertise your application in different social media platforms. You can also hire a Social media marketing person that can take care of your social media pages.
3. Advertisement in the Media
Media publications are as strong as earlier. Advertisement of the application in radio, newspapers and other online publications will boost your application’s marketing. You can tie-up with popular publications or banners.
4. Promote application with well-known bloggers
Many bloggers will be willing to ready to promote your application but before choose bloggers, make sure their average visitors, their visitors’ likes and dislike content etc. Another aspect is the price of advertisement for bloggers. You can search most influencers in your domain and request them to support you to promote your application.
5. Newsletter
This is one of the best ways to connect with the audience. You can send regular updates, new promotional event details, improvements of applications etc. to your audience. The newsletter will be helpful to keep in touch with your users.
6. Push Notifications
Push notifications are also another way to connect your users and remind them that they have downloaded your application. While sending push notifications to the users you must keep that in mind that it should not send frequently and have interesting stuff only. The timing of the notification is also an important factor. Set notifications based on time zone, so your notification can reach to every country of the world on time.
7. App Store Optimizing
This marketing strategy is one of the best strategies to gain customers in an organic way. This technic will allow you to top into the respective stores if you have memorable application name, an accurate description, neat and clean screenshots, video tutorial of application and users reviews.
You can go through all the above activities for promoting your application and try to reach as much as more customers but before promoting, you should also have a great application that attracts users to download your application.