Infinite Scrolling in Web Design: Is it Helping or Hurting Your Business?

Author: Undule Amon

The decision you take towards your web design could make or break your business. If you have been in this venture, you know well how crucial your choice can be her. But sometimes considerations have to come to play with every step you make There are many options to turn to when it comes to designing your site, and Infinite Scrolling is one of those But is it all that great, or is it a game breaker? If this is what you are setting out to understand, then you are in the right place. Read on to find out the good, the bad and the ugly about infinite scrolling.

Infinite Scrolling; what is it?

Also called endless scroll, infinite scrolling is, in essence, a design pattern that hinges on continually loading content. This content is loaded into the interface while the user is scrolling down the page. As such, the user will never reach the end of the page, unlike the case in most paginated navigation options. The content continually populates at the bottom of the screen as the user scrolls further.

Most people use this kind of scrolling on their daily activities when surfing the web. And it doesn't come as a surprise that you have come across it so far A very good example is social media sites as Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. You will just keep scrolling, and scrolling, and more scrolling, it's endless, and that's what infinite scrolling does.

Well, you might think that having worked in these social media giants' web design makes infinite scrolling the secret. But does it live up to the hype? The reality is, in its wide range of benefits comes along a fair share of downsides too.

The good

The thing that has helped infinite scrolling gain traction in the world of web design is its array of advantages. Here are some of the leading aspects you can count on when using this option.

Browsing made easy

One of the leading benefits you can get with infinite scrolling is the ease of browsing for users of your website. Scrolling doesn't have to be a tough task, and virtually every user knows how to do it But the detail is in the simplicity of this web design. All the user has to do is scroll down, and the content keeps appearing. So chances are low that users will have a hard time figuring out how your site works.

User retention

This design also comes in handy if you want to keep your site's users for a long time And if you usually update content, then this is the web design for you. The very core of its operation in that the content is always there, and all they have to do is a scroll, makes this option interactive for the user, hence keeping them around for longer.

It's the way to creativity

Another thing that makes infinite scrolling the go-to option for many is the different ways you can use to present information and tell stories. You can decide how you want it to work with other parts of the web design or your content. Best of all, you can consider to what extent this option can help your content way before you start using it

Mobile and touch

One of the most impressive things about infinite scrolling is that it fits mobile users perfectly. And with mobile built for scrolling, and the internet becoming more mobile nowadays, there's virtually no better way to get the best of both worlds. Besides, since its pop up boxes and other features give it an ideal design for use on touch, it proves essential for click or tapping.

Offers the best of visuals

This web design is best suited for visual websites. If you want to display many images, then this option is for you It doesn't come with any limits to the number or size of images that you can add. Above all, it can piece the images together to bring out a rather impressive aesthetic. Most sites with visual content usually use infinite scrolling.

The not so good

Despite packing in a hoard of advantages, this approach has a number of downsides too. These include some of the things you need to look out for before you embark on using this option.

Tough time in tracking analytics

Infinite scrolling comes with some challenges as well, especially if you are focused on analytics. What's more, this approach could lead to challenges when it comes to the engine optimization too.

The load time

It might happen so often that this type of scrolling will get stuck, or turn out to be slow. And most of all, if you scroll indefinitely, chances are good that it might stop working altogether. When it comes to crushing, it is prone to crushing like any other site design out there. As much as it is infinite, it might still ask the user to load more images or hit an end eventually. There are limitations to it regardless.

Potentially messy navigation and linking

Navigation is usually crucial in getting more visitors to your site The problem with infinite scrolling is that it might make this undertaking quite difficult for you. The linking and flow patterns of the sitemap are some of the aspects you have to consider her. With all the factors that count lumped up in one giant page, things can get a bit complicated for you and for the user alike.

Footer information

The lack of footers comes in as one of the leading concerns surrounding the use of infinite scrolling. Users have a liking to web design with these footers. They usually come in handy, offering such information about the site as contact information. Another type of information you can find in footers include social media, security and privacy notices as well as information on copyright among others. The lack of this information might deal your website a serious blow.

Best practices when using infinite scrolling

In the midst of all this, it's easy to be caught up in a dilemma over what to do and what to avoid. Not to there is always a way you can go about it if you are to get the best out of infinite scrolling as part of your design.

An indication of loading more content is crucial

Such an animation will prove handy in informing the user of what's happening. The lack of this simple yet effective feature could give the user an impression that your page has ended.

Have an ideal fallback

It might not take much, but it will ensure you do not leave out users who do not have JavaScript. You can embrace an old-fashioned web design first. Then proceed to the use of JavaScript so you can hide this feature, and now go to the infinite scrolling.

Ensure links open in a new window

This option has seen its fair share of debate because it chooses what the user can search. But it comes down to making things easier for them. This function prevents users from accidentally navigating off the list and having to come back again. It can be equally helpful for you since it helps keep them on your page.

The back button

This functionality can prove essential to help make things easier for the user If in any case, the user proceeds to another page before coming back to your page, having to start from the top can be off-putting. This function can be all you need to get things done.

Ensure navigation is visible

You need to make sure users have an easy time getting around your site And if the only way you have available for them is scrolling all the way up, most of them might abandon your website instead. Instead of going down that road, keep navigation handy for them so they can explore your website further.

Choose wisely

One thing that makes infinite scrolling stand out from other website design options is that you can get much out of it depending on how you get it right. But if you get it wrong, you might stand to lose everything. So choose wisely to ensure you are on the safe side. You can start by understanding the role of infinite scrolling in driving engagement.

Also, consider going for a low engagement content option. This one usually works quite well with this type of web design. Another option you can go for is hybrid scrolling. It offers the user an opportunity to load more content at the bottom of the page so they can be in control. Everything here comes down to what you want for your website design. So make the right choice, and offer users a website they can easily use and enjoy a tour on your page.