On-page SEO Elements Relevant in 2014

Author: John Hrq

The world of search engine optimization is ever-changing since search engine algorithm updates require realigning SEO tactics for the best ranking possible. So, what are the important elements and aspects for on-page SEOs?

1. High-quality, frequently updated content

Blogs became an important means of communication for companies to share information and create loyal visitors only a few years back. They are also essential for brand-building, enhancing credibility and growing an audience.

It is important to note that frequently posting new and quality content with custom images and insightful information will improve your page rakings on search engines exceedingly.

2. Google Authorship Integration

Google authorship is a tool Google uses to define the credibility and ranking of a given author depending on their publishing history. While it remains unclear whether a rank list of authors exists and how much it counts for, the best part of this tool is the Authorship Markup, which will link your Google Plus profile to your content and will display your image next to the content on the search engine results page.

3. Optimized URLs

Just like in past times, your URL should be static and rich in your target keywords, bearing in mind the following:

  • Length should be 100 characters or less
  • Use dashes/hyphens to separate words for easy synthesis
  • Should have a maximum of 3 sub-directories
  • Location-based keywords should be included if you want to rank for them
  • Tracking/product numbers should be appended in the URL for e-commerce sites, but not replace keywords necessary.

4. Title tags

Title tags remain to be one of the most essential ranking factors as it refers to the clickable text that will appear on the search engine results page. As such, not only must it be optimized, it must be catchy in order to draw in your target audience. It’s recommended to place keywords strategically but naturally, and to also include the company’s name. For best branding, make the tag a maximum of 65 characters or less, including local keywords, with the company name at the end rather than the beginning for internal pages.

5. Heading Tags

The same rules as far as creation of proper headings for optimum reader experience apply with search engine algorithms. There should only be ONE H1 tags per page and depending on the CMS software, it may also be automatically used as your title tag.

Breaking up chunks of text with headings will help both your readers and search engine algorithms to decipher the flow of content. Keywords in all header tags should be used only where they fit naturally.

6. Alt Image Tags

Appropriate image tags will increase the chances of content appearing on the Google image search page. Place your keyword in the alternative text in order to find images that suit your keywords. Since they are useful descriptions for the visually impaired, ensure alt image tags accurately describe what the image is all about.

7. Keywords within content

Keywords should be uniformly and naturally applied in the right density throughout your content, including their various variations (LSI keywords).

8. Detail of Content

Google is slowly shifting in favor of longer and more detailed content because in this day and age, anyone can create 400 words and optimize a keyword or two within it. A rule of thumb to go by is that a shallow article should be well written, have a long form of content, and either be 1000 words for normal blog posts or 1500 words for a Google In-depth Search.

9. Topical targeting

It is an essential but often ignored practice as it involves shifting focus from a keyword to pages addressing specific themes or topics. Such pages will have a number of related keywords that are focused on improving readers’ experience, attracting greater traffic and inbound linking to your page.

Author of this article is working with TechIndiaSoftware - A SEO Company India a well known name in internet marketing field. For more Details you can also directly visit at www.techindiasoftware.com