Do Not Fear Tooth Extraction Because Of Pain

Author: Ads Dentures

A tooth extraction is one of the most feared procedures in dentistry. A lot of patients assume that tooth extractions in West Chaster is a very painful procedure simply because it involves the removal of damaged tooth from the root. It does sound sort of scary, but the process in itself is not as scary or painful as it might appear to be. If and when performed under the supervision of a qualified and licensed dentist, it can be a simple and fast procedure involving minimal pain. When you choose a quality-oriented dental clinic, you can relax because your tooth are in safe hands.

The fact is that tooth extraction is a routine procedure for qualified and licensed dentists across the United States, and a simple extraction procedure should go down well without any problem or severe pain. At most, you will experience minimal pain.

Causes of Tooth Extraction

Your dentist is the best professional to determine whether you need tooth extraction or not. Some of you might wonder why would a doctor want to remove your teeth when it seems there's no apparent problem with it. However, dentists are professionals who use their vast knowledge to identify dental diseases and conditions. They only resort to tooth extraction when there's no other option of saving the damaged tooth. If the damaged tooth is not extracted on time, it can worsen over time and can further cause detrimental effects in the affected region.

There are various dental diseases and conditions that warrant tooth extraction. Some of them are:

  • Tooth decay that has progressed to furcation areas of molar teeth
  • Tooth decay that has caused irreparable destruction to major portion of the teeth
  • Unstable teeth, caused by bone loss around the tooth
  • Deciduous teeth that cause prevention of eruption of permanent teeth
  • Extraction of healthy tooth as part of orthodontic treatment
  • Mal-positioned teeth that can't be treated with orthodontic treatment


A routine tooth extractions in West Chester can take anywhere between 5-30 minutes. It starts with administering of local anaesthesia which desentisizes the tooth so that the patient does not experience pain during the procedure. The dentist uses ''elevator'' to severe the ligament fibers that attach the tooth to the socket. After the fibers have been severed, the tooth to be removed is engaged by the dentist using an appropriate forceps.

The tooth is removed with care using the forceps and the dentist makes sure that it is removed entirely from the mouth. Then he checks for any leftover roots that may be remaining inside the bone. A licensed dentist ensures that necessary precautions are taken by him to ensure that adjacent teeth or structures are not damaged. It takes 2-4 days for the extraction site to be healed completely. Pain and swelling may occur, but it usually subsides by taking pain killers and applying cold packs.

Visit a licensed dental clinic in your location where your dental problems are treated upon by qualified and experienced dentists. A good oral health is of paramount importance when it comes to having a good overall health.