9 Facebook Video Ad Mistakes That Just Waste Your Marketing Budget

Author: Brandon E Rock

Online marketing videos are one of the best ways to promote your product. It is super effective, especially facebook video ads since a lot of people spend their free time scrolling through their Facebook feeds. However even though it is a good idea to use facebook videos ads to get more revenue and recognition for their products, there is a lot of things that can go wrong in the Facebook video production itself. Here are Facebook video ad mistakes that you should avoid when making your facebook video ad.

Not Knowing Your Audience

When you make a video or any form of marketing for that matter, you need to know your audience. You want to make sure your efforts get noticed by the right kind of people because not everyone will be interested in the ad because it does not cater to their needs. Make sure the video clearly shows what your target audience needs.


Advertisements are meant to be short and sweet, they shouldn’t be overdone or dragging. People tend to lose interest if the video is overplayed or has too many unnecessary details. For advertisements, show off the product and what it can do for the buyer, but you do not have to share every single detail of that product in the advertisement.

Not Watching the Progress Afterwards

Once you uploaded the video and it’s all set up online, you may think your duties are finished but it is not. You need to make sure you track the progress of the video to see how it is going. You want to see if it made a large enough impact, that way you will know if you should make more videos like that.

SEO Matters

When you hear the terms SEO, you might be thinking about articles or other forms of written online content. However, SEO tactics actually are very important in Facebook video production as well. SEO gets into things such as the video titles and descriptions.

Over Selling

You do not want to sound like a desperate salesperson on your video advertisement. Learn how to promote the great aspects of your product without actually saying the words "buy it" or "you need this."

Lacking the Last Message

In writing, they often use the term "call to action." This refers to a sentence at the end of the article that makes the person want to buy the product without actually buying it. You should also have a call to action at the end of your video that urges the buyer to learn more or research more about the product without directly saying it.

Lacking Creativity

A big issue is having a video that may have the aspects of showing the right amount of information, a decent script, etc., but if your actual video is lackluster or too standard, no one may find it that good. You want to have quality content for your videos because it reflects on your brand. Good quality advertisements = a quality brand.

Under Budget

Whilst you want to make sure you do not spend too much on Facebook video production, do not skimp out either. While it’s good to stay on budget, don’t be scared and under spend, because that can ruin the quality of your video.

Audience Insight Matters

You need to get some real data and get some actual audience insight. If you do not know what your target audience really wants to see, how will you cater to them?

By following these tips, you will be able to avoid making fatal mistakes that would make a flop of a Facebook video ad turn into a successful marketing tactic.