Embrace Rural Life in WA with Reputed Rural Home Builders

Author: Evokeliving Homes

Known as a leafy Perth suburb, Nedlands is a perfect area for those who want to live close to nature. One of the most beautiful cities in this part of Australia is Bedfordale, a city once known as Paradise. It boasts fertile soils and generous water supplies, which allows its residents to live a comfortable and blissful lifestyle.

Near Bedfordale sits Cole’s Shaft, one of the most popular destinations in the area. It’s a bit hard to access, but the effort is well worth it as you’ll be able to see Bedfordale’s oldest mine. Although shut down in 1850, it still stands today hidden by houses and almost unnoticeable.

Stunning Views

When you reach the mine, you can enjoy the view to the horizon, including the southern suburbs, eastern urban areas and the City of Armadale. You’ll likely even meet the western grey kangaroos who habituate the area. You can observe as they’re feeding and sharing these lands in a perfect communion with the human residents.

If you decide to go back up Bedfordale Hill Road towards Albany Highway, you’ll be able to see Mt Paradise, a famous hillside parcel known for its Paradise Cottage, the oldest building in the area. Unfortunately, the cottage itself is closed and not open for visitors, but luckily this is not the case with gorgeous Bedfordale’s parks and reserves. These are open for everyone to see and enjoy, and they include Settlers Common, Wungong Dam, Wungong Gorge, and Bungendore Park, just to name a few.

Getting Close to Nature

As you enjoy the scenic drives through these parks and reserves, you can discover many species of intricate flora and fauna. If you come in winter, you’ll be able to embark on fungi forays, while the spring brings wattles and wildflowers. In summer, you can have a picnic backed with beautiful sounds of cicadas and cockatoos in a chorus. Cockatoos are especially interesting as they are loud and are known for their loud bangs on the trees with a goal to collect nuts. Like many plants and animals in this zone, these birds are endangered and should be protected.

There are many activities involving plant and animal care in Bedfordale hills, for those who want to help in their preservation. You can find more about them every month on the Bedfordale Hills Bush Markets that combine play activities for children with environmental activities for adults. You can even join their stewardship programs that allow you to first-hand nurture the environment and as a result, ensure that the area keeps its Paradise title for years to come.

Perfect Location for a Home

This area is a perfect choice to build a home and future on, but building in secluded areas can seem like a challenge at first. Fortunately, there are experienced Rural Home Builders WA equipped and knowledgeable in building in remote locations such as Bedfordale Hills. Evoke Living homes is one of the best builders in Perth, and they will approach your desires individually in order to provide the best home for your needs and budget. It’s a perfect opportunity for anyone who dreams of living surrounded by kangaroos, unusual birds and limitless fields of untouched nature.