How do i choose montessori teacher?

Author: Nikhil Punse

Montessori classes are the early classes which the children attend when they first join the school. In the Montessori method, teaching in more focused on concrete learning rather than abstract learning. Students are taught language, math, culture and life lessons through fun activities. It is the time when the children learn their behavioural basics and start building the framework of their thought process. Therefore, it is very important that the Montessori teacher should be capable of inculcating all moral values in the children.

Deciding the Montessori school is a very difficult task. In today’s date, many schools claim to be Montessori. But only some of them really mean it. Parents cannot trust a school with their child just like that. They have to do proper research on which Montessori is best for their child.

Here are some tips which would help young parents to choose the appropriate Montessori teacher. It is very important to keenly observe the teacher and check the following factors:

  1. How long has the teacher been working there?
  2. How does the teacher interact with the students?
  3. Is there a tone of respect in the student-teacher communication?
  4. Does the teacher carefully observe each and every child?
  5. Does the teacher have enough patience?
  6. What are the teaching methods of the teacher?
  7. Does the teacher take proper care of the children?
  8. What are the teacher’s credentials?
  9. Does it feel comfortable to talk to the teacher?
  10. Will it be convenient to discuss any serious matter about the child with the teacher?
  11. Is the teacher willing to give extra time to the students who lag behind?
  12. What is the background of the teacher?
  13. What is the teacher’s philosophy in teaching the students?
  14. Does the teacher motivate the students who lag behind or just ignores them?
  15. Does the teacher use innovative methods to teach the students?
  16. Does the teacher ensure that the students are properly learning?
  17. Does to teacher prefer to teach in the local language if the students are unable to catch things in English?

These are some of the points parents must check before admitting their child to Montessori program. The Montessori course Mumbai checks all these points before it appoints teachers as Montessori guides. The teachers at Montessori course Mumbai have successfully completed their Montessori teacher training and are well capable to cultivate the young minds. The teachers are eager to meet their little innovative friends.

The Montessori course Mumbai eagerly awaits the enthusiastic children so that they can teach them. Montessori teacher training trains the takes care of the concerns of the young parents of this generation and carefully trains the teachers accordingly. The teachers understand that the children are the only treasures of their parents and so they make sure they teach the children efficiently. The Montessori course Mumbai is a saviour. With amazing teaching facilities and philosophies, they are ready to lay the foundation bricks for the tough life of the students ahead.