Symptoms and Treatments of Tension Headaches

Author: Migralex Brands

A headache is a very common condition with most of the people. They may or may not be due to a particular reason. Tension headaches can affect anybody and in most cases are not very serious. It is very different than a migraine which is severe and in most cases is a chronic condition.

Tension Headaches

It is the most common type of headache which causes pain in the head, neck and around the eyes. These may be episodic in nature i.e. they may occur at regular intervals. It is a common perception that women are more prone to tension headaches than men. It may occur in varying degrees – mild, moderate or intense.

Reasons Leading to Tension Headaches

Research says that there can be many causes which can trigger a tension headache. Extreme temperatures, long driving hours, too much screen time, particular foods – these are some of the reasons that may lead to tension headaches. Contraction of muscles in the head and the neck region is the primary cause of these headaches. Other tension headache triggers are:


Dry eyes




Improper posture

Emotional stress

Symptoms that Indicate Tension Headache

There is a common feature between a tension headache and migraine. Both cause throbbing pain and sometimes tension headaches may cause intolerance to loud music and bright lights as in a migraine. But tension headaches do not cause nausea and vomiting which is a clear symptom of a migraine. The main symptoms of tension headaches are:

A mild, moderate or sometimes intense head pain.

It creates pressure around the head to the extent that it feels like a tight band around the forehead.

Tenderness around the forehead and throbbing nerves.

Treating a Tension Headache

The best medicine for tension headaches is OTC painkillers which is a very common practice. With the advancements in science today we have OTC headache medication with magnesium as an active ingredient. It is safer and more effective while also being very easy on the stomach. Be very mindful when using OTC medicines as taking too much of these may lead to rebound headaches. The body gets accustomed to these medicines and when you try to waiver them off, you experience more pain. In the event of consistent and recurring pains which cannot be controlled by medicines, you should visit a doctor and take advice.

Prevention of Tension Headaches

If you suffer tension headaches you may be able to recognize the trigger points for these headaches. Identify them and work around them to avoid future tension headaches. Whenever you have a headache, review your day and make a note of your activities and the food or beverages you consume.

After a particular stretch of time, you may be able to figure out the cause of your headache. For instance, if you notice that on all the days that you had a headache, you were out in the sun, then that is your trigger. This way you can prepare yourself with preventive measures.

Though it is not very serious and easily treatable, tension headache should not be ignored. Pain relief medicines such as aspirin and paracetamol are the best medication for a headache and are available at all medical stores. The only word of caution here is to administer the medicine according to the directions.