Perfect the Art of Hanging Porch Swings with 6 Easy Steps!
A porch swing brings in comfort, style and charm to the home. These classy swings available in different varieties and designs can amp up the porch’s ambience. Delicately decorated porch swings give houses an artistic blend. Besides, the range of materials they come in make sure you get one or the other swing to match your home décor.
So, while you make up your mind to stretch and relax in that comfy corner of your home, it is essential to make sure the swing is installed safely. This way, you will also ensure your loved ones are safe while spending quality family time. It is better to have a guideline that defines each step for perfectly hanging these swings.
6 easy steps to ensure hanging porch swings perfectly:
1st step – Take an accurate measurement of your porch
First things first: you need to get acquainted with your porch area where you will install the swing. Make sure there is enough space to give your swing a smooth to and fro movement. Take the area’s measurement, and calculate accordingly the accurate size of swing that would fit this open space. See that there is a gap of at least two feet on each side of the swing for unobstructed mobility.
Additionally, you also need to check whether your porch has a wooden beam overhead to fit the swing’s hook.
2nd step – Buy the swing that fits this measurement
Go for a little research online and in physical stores to check out the designs of porch swings available. Sort the ones that fit your porch measurement and make a final decision to purchase based on the design or material you would like it to be made of.
You can also go for design and give your buyer a specification of the size you want it in to get a customised swing.
3rd step – Buy additional necessary supplies for swing set-up
Necessary supplies needed for hanging porch swings include clamps, hooks, drill and drill bits and two sturdy chains – around 7 feet in length. Make sure you procure these before initiating this installation process.
4th step – Fix hooks and fit chains
Measure the swing width and drill two holes in the wooden beam. Screw in the hooks to these holes. Next, go with attaching the chains to the swing. Use chain connectors, clamps or screws depending upon the swing material.
5th step – Hang the swing to hooks
You may need additional help to hang it down safely from the hooks. Start with hanging its front and back chains from one side and adjust accordingly. Make sure to keep it hanging a little above 16 inches from the ground. In the end, make sure the swing lies parallel to the ground.
6th step – Go for an installation test
Give a finishing touch to your swing installation by testing it. Push it to see if it swings smoothly. If yes, you have been perfect with the installation. If there is even a slight disruption in movement, recheck to make sure all the hooks, screws and chains are correctly aligned.
Now, after you have installed it with perfection, decorate it the way you want. Invite neighbours and friends to give them an experience of your luxury swing.