Few Steps to become a professional writer

Author: Erickson Ferry

People commonly take these five steps to earn the title of professional writer; you do not automatically become a professional just because you’ve been a writer for five years, ten years, or even fifty years. The professional treats writing as a career or business, not as a hobby or part-time job. To become a writer is not professional writer is not easy job the first thing you need is interest in writing and Reading other than degree, Take out time to write or journal, and ask yourself if you could do this day in and day out for a living.

Decide What Kind of Professional Writer You Want To Be One of important thing professional writer is decide what kind of Professional Writer You Want To Be specific area of writing in which you’d like to specialize in your interest that will help your carrier growth and achieve a good Professional Writer always remember that there’s likely a few writing stones you have yet to upturn, so always be on the lookout for new opportunities. Earn a Degree

Earn a Degree is important in professional writer.To get the most out of your professional writer carrier need a degree. Earn degree in communications, English, journalism or professional writing.This is sure to open more doors and offer you more opportunities

Build Your Portfolio Any Project or any work you complete that you have published should be added to your a your Portfolio that give your and try to add a variety of content to your portfolio to show that you’re a well-rounded, experienced writer.


If you want to become a professional writer first you need to do is read the novels as much as you can and try to get language in your hand there how much your read your you can improve as much and make habit daily and make a interest in that then you succeed your life, Read a lot of book novel.it improves your vocabulary and grammar and also improving on their content and research abilities Second important step you flow is daily write about any topic you wish, if you write daily your vocabulary and grammar and also improving on their content and research abilities and someone to submit your content and ask for review, and don't focus on your fancy words concentrate on the point and learn prober format in essay Each paragraph should have a clear main point or topic sentence. The essay should written in Standard English with compete sentences and should be error free professional essay will prove the improving your creativity and analytical skills

Look for Work There are much online recourse which will help you find the writing job like freelancer and Explore job boards to see if you’re interested in any companies that might be in need of a writer of your caliber. For a good professional writer lot of hard is need soothe professional treats writing as a career or business, not as a hobby or part-time job. And it works with other professionals to achieve their goals.