Executive Programme for Banking and Financial Sector

Author: Hughes Edu

The Financial Stability Report of the Reserve Bank of India (June 2017) warns banks and the Nation about the quality of banks 'collapsing assets, the erosion of banks' profitability and the elimination of the mattresses of bank capital, which indicates a greater stability of the banking finance course industry. The health of Indian banks has deteriorated in recent years. It also predicts a further decline in the quality of assets and an adverse impact on profitability for the year ending March 2018. With the lower valuations in the reserve price of many banks, shareholders assume a substantial amount of risk of bank operations. One of the important aspects that must be addressed to overcome this serious crisis is the strengthening of the risk management systems of banks.

The new regulatory framework based on risk is a further strengthening of regulatory mechanisms, such as a stricter definition of regulatory capital, higher risk-weighted requirements, a new minimum leverage ratio and a capital conservation buffer. The market risk framework has been largely revised, with improvements that include an increase in granularity and the introduction of the concept of "expected deficit" in the Standardized Approach, comprehensive risk capture and a more granular model approval process. in the Approach of Internal Models. The Basel framework includes the Liquidity Coverage Index (LCR) and the Net Stable Financing Index (NSFR), standards designed to ensure banks' resistance to liquidity stress.

online banking courses and financial institutions face the challenge of proactively managing risks in all markets. For each institution, the real solution to this problem is involving different philosophies towards risk policies, methodologies, processes and technologies. Visualize risk, combat the adverse effects on profitability through proactive planning and ensure that the implementation of the risk management process is now crucially important.

The new architecture of "Hughes education" has two important principles: the quantification of risk and the establishment of control systems. The Basel Accords (Basel II and III) require the greatest importance for risk management systems in banking finance course and financial institutions and order these institutions to adopt risk capital allocation based on the quantification of risk.

This program is intended to cover all generic risks, ie, Liquidity risk, Credit risk, Market risk and Operational risk. The complex function of risk management requires the application of sophisticated models to measure and manage risks, and this program aims to improve the competence of managers in the selection and application of modern risk management techniques.

Key information

The convergence of finance and technology has changed the global banking landscape in unprecedented ways. Therefore, it is more important than ever that online banking courses financial services leaders remain at the forefront of this ever-changing environment. "

  • The banking and financial sectors are witnessing profound changes driven by innovations in technology, disruptive business models of regulatory reforms and growing expectations of consumers with digital power. In particular, technological innovation has transformed the financial services industry at an accelerated pace, and a greater interruption in the future is almost a certainty. The new generation of models of financial technology, or financial technology, is affecting many areas of financial services for the consumer, such as mobile payments, crypto-currencies, currency exchange, market loans (online), savings and investment, financial consulting (robbery-advisors), and health and life insurance.It’s imperative for organizations who operate in these sectors to understand and embrace these changes to continue to thrive in this new disruptive landscape. The objective of this program is to provide participants with an understanding of the economic and technological forces driving this change and to learn how to harness them in a responsible way. The Global Banking Program will provide executives with a broad understanding of global markets, strategic management, fintech, digital transformation, and customer strategy.