Why is Pumping Out the Septic Tank is Necessary?

Author: Sean Erik

Septic tanks play an important role in the safe disposal of sewage at homes and commercial places. Septic tank is an underground tank where water waste of the property is collected and processed for the impurities to be disposed of. Septic tanks are privately owned and hence are not maintained by the local municipal-like the public sewage system. Septic tank pump out service helps in regular maintenance of the septic tank. This is done by a team of trained and certified professionals.

Why is pumping out important?

When the water waste enters the septic tank, the solids are deposits at the bottom of the tank and are then attacked by the bacteria present in the tank. This is how the waste is separated from the water and processed. No matter how large the septic tank is, it may flow out if not cleaned and this is why septic tank pump out service is required.

Pumping out clears the space in the tank, and it is ready for its next use without causing any leakage or overflows. Underground leakage may contaminate underground natural water or underground water treatment plants. Similarly, leakage above the ground may spread diseases and infections among the people residing in the area. Regular maintenance is also economical than repairing the system after some a fault occurs or the system breakdown.

What does pumping do?

  • Septic tank pump out service completely empties the septic tank and cleans the tank of any kind of deposits and blockages.
  • Pipes and filters are also cleaned and even replaced if required. This assures an effective and long-lasting functioning of the tank.
  • The required amount of additives are added which is the good bacteria and help in breaking down the solid deposits at the bottom and the walls of the tank.
  • Also, while pumping out the tank, many of its parts are cleaned and serviced which assures the effective and long-lasting functioning of the tank.

How many pump-outs are required?

  • The cleaning cycle depends upon the size of the tank. Smaller tanks need frequent septic tank pump out service as compared to the larger tanks.
  • It also depends on the use of the tank. For example, the septic tank at a restaurant or a coffee shop needs frequent services than that on the residential property.
  • Sometimes more of unwanted material such as paper, grease, paints, and plastic products reach the tank which may require the cleaning to be done earlier than scheduled.

People might want to pump out their septic tank on their own, but septic tank pump out service must be done by professionals. The pumping out need specific pressure, and also the waste should be properly disposed of. This is the reason why the service providers need to be registered with the regulatory authority of the state to comply with all the standards and regulations.

Drane Ranger offers liquid waste management services including grit and lint trap cleaning, grease trap odor control, lift station and wet well cleaning, septic tank cleaning, wash bays for equipment, vacuum truck services, etc. in Houston, Manvel, Alvin, and Pearland. To more know, visit http://draneranger.com/services/.