What’s So Specific About UAV LiDAR?

Author: Thomas Shaw

Drones, or UAVs, are currently revolutionising information and imagery capture across a range of sectors, owing to their capability to remotely capture aerial footage without the need of the need to have for pricey helicopter or aeroplane flights. Hiring a helicopter can cost within the region of £1000 per mile covered. Add within the price of a laser scanner and also you have to have to possess a hefty price range just before you even start processing the data. Get extra details about Point cloud post-processing software

Airborne LiDAR projects could be prohibitively high-priced resulting from these high mobilization costs. UAV LiDAR offers the operator the capability to swiftly survey small-scale and larger places in a additional cost-effective way. Drones is usually deployed swiftly, in the quick vicinity allowing for surveys to be carried out with no obtaining to locate a pilot, file flight plans and navigate towards the surveying web site producing the technology best for emergency or time-sensitive conditions.

It’s also safer to make use of a UAV LiDAR system. In the previous, surveying a highway or railway line has meant ground crews getting exposed to fast-moving traffic or trains. Terrestrial laser scanners also needed various setups to cover substantial locations which means that crews have been either exposed to hazardous scenarios for longer, or roads and rail networks had to be suspended although surveys had been carried out. Mobile mapping systems all but remove this danger by permitting data to become captured remotely. UAV LiDAR systems take away the threat entirely. So long as the drone remains in visual line of sight, a pilot can scan an area with no getting to be physically present.

Conducting surveys of high structures such as energy lines and masts have extended been an high priced and daunting task due to safety risks plus the degree of detail needed. These complicated structures might be damaged by environmental situations, wear and tear as well as birds. Using a UAV LiDAR system means that the surveyor stays on solid ground yet continues to be able to collect enough information to develop an accurate 3D representation from the infrastructure network, irrespective of surrounding vegetation. You can also combine thermal imaging with a UAV LiDAR system to enable hotspots on powerlines to be identified rapidly just before any really serious consequences arise.

One in the greatest benefits of LiDAR will be the ability to scan through dense vegetation. Photogrammetry relies on the ability to see the ground to calculate measurements accurately to create a digital terrain or elevation model. LiDAR may be the only technology which enables DTMs & DEMs to be created even where there are trees or dense vegetation within the way.

UAV LiDAR is leading the way for agricultural and forestry businesses looking for a way to cost-effectively monitor carbon stocks and crops. UAV LiDAR enables forestry surveys to become conducted a lot more immediately, giving landowners and operators access to data which would otherwise take months to gather. Although information may be enhanced by matching a ground and aerial scan, the location, count, height and volume of trees could be calculated in one single pass of a UAV.

UAVs also have great potential for vegetation mapping in urban areas thanks to the capacity to capture ultra-high-resolution imagery at a low altitude. When combined with LiDAR data, a clear and precise map can be created showing building elevations, infrastructure assets as well as the shape and texture of vegetation, permitting for classification of land covers and situational analysis. This can help planners and maintenance crews to prioritise conservation efforts or removal of encroaching shrubs and bushes on highways, streets and railway lines.