Case Studies Paper

Author: Janet Peter

Case 2 - 2

  1. The profile should be the Cardiac profile
  2. The abnormal results include

a. Sodium day 11

b. Chloride day 9, day 11

c. Co2 day 9

d. Anion gap day 4

e. Glucose

f. Bun day4, day5, day6, day11

g. Creatinine day4, day5, day6, day11

h. Digoxin day 6

i. Cholesterol

j. Triglyceride

k. AST

l. ALP

  1. The conditions indicated include the myocardial damage also called the cardiac muscle inflammation
  2. They include Troponin I and the Troponin T
  3. After 3 to four days

And after 1 to 2 days will remain elevated

  1. The relative index refers to the total molecular mass of the body of a human being in comparison to the surface area
  2. They diminish, no presence of the Troponin I and Troponin T
  3. The myocardial damage is chronic in cardiac troponin I while cardiac troponin T is acute
  4. AST get influenced by the fluctuation of the blood pressure
  5. The added chemistry test include

a. AST

b. Triglyceride

c. Cholesterol

d. ALP

  1. The Troponin T
  2. The possible disease would be the diabetes due to high cholesterol
  3. The people with diabetes also suffer from stroke
  4. The WBC count is not consistent

Case 2 – 6

1. The tests for abnormal include

a. CK

b. Cholesterol

  1. Suffering from heart attack
  2. Disease condition

a. The disease that is infectious

Causes of infectious diseases include the fungi, the viruses, the pathogens, the bacteria

b. The diseases that are non-infectious

Causes of non-infectious diseases include the environmental conditions, the nutrient we consume, the change in the gene, the weakness of the human body

4. the patient is under the now- infectious disease condition

The body of the patient reveals some weakness

The test for the CK rules out the other type of the disease

  1. The best subcategory fitting the patient is the weakness of the body due to lack of some nutrients
  2. The test is the stool testing or the blood test
  3. The diseases and the conditions include

a. The acute thyroid

b. The thyroid lymphocyte

c. The Tryp rateth load

d. The chronic thyroid

8. The symptoms include

a. High-temperature

b. Dryness of the skin and ribs

c. The development of thrush on the skin

d. The experience of abnormal periods for the women

9. The extra testing analysis include

1. The stool test

2. The blood testing

10. The cholesterol, triglyceride, and the CK have no consistency

Case 2-11

1. The abnormal results indicated include

a. Bilirubin

b. AST

c. ALP

d. Cholesterol

e. WBC

f. RBC

g. Lymphocytes

h. Segmented neutrophils

2. Conditions that produce the diseases include

a. Liver disease

b. The stomach up stroking

c. The bile duct problems

d. The heart failure

e. The gall bladder problems

  1. The pain resulted from the liver where the materials like the bile from the gall bladder have problems in flowing
  2. Yes the laboratory test indicate abnormal concentration of the bilirubin
  3. Yes

The test /involves checking for the stool produced by the patient. If the color of the stool is not the expected the individual is suffering

6. The chemical composition of the stone is the bilirubin and the biliverdin as well as the remaining bile juice products

The chemical products get formed from the concentration of the bile juice in the liver that causes destructions.

7. The risk factors for the conditions includes

a. The liver inflammation disease

b. The deamination complications

c. Poor regulation of the body temperatures

d. Complications in the breakdown of fats

  1. The color of the stool is not the normal brown color. The color is like white
  2. The urobilinogen is not normal since the gall bladder has complications.

Case study 2-8

1. The presence of abnormal gasses includes

a. COHb

b. PO2

c. PCO2

d. SaO2

  1. The acid-base status shown is alkalosis
  2. The condition is respiratory because the gasses involved are the respiratory gasses
  3. The condition is acute hence fully compensated
  4. The primary compensation mechanism is the production of the PCO2

The processes involved in compensation include

a. Respiratory process

b. The oxidation process

The other process responsible for the compensatory is the digestive process during the oxidation of food and production of pyloric acid

The inefficient component is the CO2

  1. The oxyhemoglobin curve would shift to the right due to the concentration of the CO2 gas that is acidic in nature
  2. Base excess and the base deficit refer to the number of hydrogen ions required to get neutralized or increased to bring a neutral PH value.
  3. The level
  4. Of HCO3 required is the basic level

The conditions associated with the acid-base disorder include

a. Vomiting

b. Heartburn

c. Constipation

d. Gas accumulation in stomach

  1. The conditions explaining the case include experiencing the blot condition
  2. The deficiency of the potassium and the calcium proteins get associated with acid-base conditions
  3. The cause of elevated temperature is due to the reaction between acids and the base during the compensation process
  4. The COPD refers to the type of a condition influenced by the acid-base disorders. The abbreviations mean Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  5. The brains acid-base status indicates the alkaline in nature.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in Buy Term Papers Online if you need a similar paper you can place your order for a custom research paper from Custom Research Paper Writing.