Cloud Security services for data and process

Author: Emma Watson
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The software development space, today, talks mostly of cloud and edge computing. The reasons for this are plenty and is definitely warranted for the digital transformation value that Cloud services provide. While the Cloud is great, the need to argue towards the importance of Cloud security weighs the same.

Especially in a cloud environment, businesses are more vulnerable to new threats. The Cloud Security Alliance dropped a paper that made major waves. Their paper ‘Top Threats to Cloud Computing Plus: Industry Insights’ offers security concerns which they aptly call ‘the Treacherous 12’.

They are:

  1. Data Breaches
  2. Insufficient Identity, Credential and Access Management
  3. Insecure Interfaces and APIs
  4. System Vulnerabilities
  5. Account Hijacking
  6. Malicious Insiders
  7. Advanced Persistent Threats
  8. Data Loss
  9. Insufficient Due Diligence
  10. Abuse and Nefarious Use of Cloud Services
  11. Denial of Service
  12. Shared Technology Vulnerabilities

Aloha Technology provides end-to-end cloud security solutions. The solutions they provide are for on-premise and Cloud deployments, depending on client-specific requirements that curtail ‘the Treacherous 12’. Top-notch cloud security concentrates on these major solutions:


Aloha understands that every business is different and requires solutions tailor-made to help them attain their goal with the best technology, skilled workforce and communication among parties. If on-premise isn’t a viable option, then our consultants will suggest cloud solutions and more. The order is then migrating to the cloud, but with advanced security transformation.

Cloud Security Consulting includes these features:

  • Architecture assessment
  • Compliance assessment
  • Goal assessment, and
  • Creating a dynamic strategy
  • 24*7 Monitoring

Not all data are created equal. While some may be of the utmost importance, some might just be junk. But how does one know which 0 and 1 are critical and which aren’t? What makes sense in such a situation is to keep the entire volume of security under an umbrella that continuously monitors all data and sources via automated and manual processes.

24*7 Monitoring includes these benefits:

  • Risk reduction
  • On-demand security extension
  • Automated threat intelligence across the board

Endpoint Security

Home users have multiple options that feature top-grade security. The difference with business security, however, is the number of endpoints. Endpoints are end-user devices like PCs, mobiles and tablets. And considering that the numbers are fewer in number, we can assume that home users don’t generate critical data at the same level that most businesses do.

Endpoint security includes these benefits:

  • Critical event action
  • Closing security gaps in real-time
  • Real-time visibility in malware/spyware source
  • Dwell-time reduction
  • Cross-platform and devices deployment

Risk Management

While most software companies do offer customer care, the time taken from assessment to decision making to deployment is on the higher side. A factor that doesn’t work for critical business processes. Vulnerability needs to be addressed in real-time as a second in delay can mean a breach beyond repair. This is why automated solutions need to be developed and deployed.

Risk Management addresses the following issues:

  • Risk identification
  • Compliance facilitation
  • Automated security updates
  • 24*7 customer support
  • Support for on-premise and cloud infrastructure

Cloud Containerization

Containers make sure that continuity is absolute and add multiple layers of security. Containerization also helps reduce complexities while making vulnerability management easier on software and human support.

Cloud containerization addresses these following issues:

  • Reducing container vulnerabilities
  • Reducing compromise of (container) images
  • Reducing configuration mismanagement
  • Disaster Recovery

Traditional disaster recovery strategies employ labor-intensive processes that are expansive and span extended time frames. Cloud computing reap the benefits of Cloud computing, safeguarding all data in a cost and time-effective manner. The cost-effectiveness factor is an important concern for SMEs for obvious reasons. A major impact is that cloud-based disaster recovery can be tested and reconfigured in real-time.

Cloud-based disaster recovery benefits include:

  • No downtime
  • Keeping brand equity intact
  • Enhanced workforce experience
  • Ensuring compliance throughout the process
  • Speedy iterations
  • Less pressure on process and assets

Privacy Preservation

Privacy presentation can be maintained with reputable companies by signing an NDA (Non-discloser Agreement) or is a part of an SLA (Service Level Agreement). Moreover, data is either stored on-premise (which make security processes easier to manage) or cloud (which is done via third-party global vendors like AWS and such).

Cloud Security as a Part of Digital Transformation

Cloud-based security and edge computing are great assets for businesses, especially SMEs as the weight of handling such services in-house is eased by partnering with a reputable software company like Aloha Technology. For more information on non-taxing cloud security solutions and more, talk to our experts.

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