Process Analytics Market: Technological Growth Map Over Time To Understand the Industry Growth Rate

Author: Kishor Kanade

The drive for the evolution of process analytics stemmed from the need for getting end-to-end visibility into complex business processes spanning multiple heterogeneous systems, and in real time. These processes can be within or outside an organization and the systems are mostly disparate. Various mining types encompassed by process analytics include process discovery, process conformance, and process enhancement. Business process analytics imparts visibility to organizations so that they can substantially improve throughput of their processes and work on optimizing these business process.

The rising realization of redundancy of business process management (BPM) software to achieve the targeted results is propelling a growing number of organizations to adopt process analytics. Some of the key applications that will witness development in the coming years are IT process and customer interaction. Over the past few years, digitized business processes have picked up rapid pace and companies and business leaders are seen increasingly focusing on process analytics to drive digital transformation.

The report offers in-depth insights into the key growth drivers and trends shaping the contours of the global process analytics market. The study presents evidence-based assessments and evaluations of the prevailing paradigms and show stakeholders way forward in identifying lucrative avenues.

Global Process Analytics Market: Trends and Opportunities

Organizations from across diverse industry are pivoting their efforts in accelerating digital business transformations to gain traction among their consumers and also to catalyze their growth. This is a key factor driving the demand for process analytics. In addition, there is growing adoption of algorithmic business in businesses processes. The growth of the process analytics market will gain considerable strength from the constant drive for innovations in products and services. Furthermore, collaborations between process analytics providers and ERP vendors, which is boosting the process analytics market.

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The growing popularity of task-level automation is a key factor expected to bolster the demand for process analytics. As artificial intelligence and machine learning mechanism makes way to various data-driven process models, the process analytics will witness new, exciting prospects. Moreover, the need for improving process auditing and compliance in several end-use industries, especially among organizations in regulated industries, is a notable trend boosting the process analytics market. Several prominent analytics vendors have making sizeable investments in developing software that can be used for optimizing business processes. In addition, efforts to integrate legacy ERP with modern process analytics will make room for lucrative opportunities for market players.

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Global Process Analytics Market: Regional Outlook

The study takes a keen look at the trends underlying the key regional growth dynamics in the process analytics market. The assessments offered highlight promising avenues in key regions. Geographically, developed regions are expected to emerge as increasingly lucrative markets. In particular, North America and Europe are considered regions with vast potential. In the U.S., several government organizations and commercial entities have been focusing on rapid uptake of process analytics across business processes. The growth in these developed regions is also likely to come from a spate of new product launches and acquisitions. Meanwhile, several countries in Europe will see a promising uptake in coming years.

Global Process Analytics Market: Competitive Landscape

The study takes a closer look at the prevailing competitive dynamics of the process analytics market. The study also looks at major research and development efforts by emerging and established players. Some of the key companies vying for prominent positions in the process analytics market are Intellera Inc., CA Technologies, Software AG, Cognitive Technologies, Cognitive Technologies, and Fluxicon.