Want to build Uber-like app for trucking business? Here is something for you!

Author: Coruscate Solutions

Uber has not remained as a name of just another taxi in the market. It has achieved tremendous success in each of its endeavors. It has conquered the daily commuters with affordable cabs. It has managed the food delivery successfully. But, Uber is not just limited to these two services anymore. It has made a move to drop its e-scooters on the roads. Along with that, it has opened gates for many other on-demand ventures.

Uber has moved towards logistics and made remarkable progress in uplifting the truck and freight industry. Uber in the logistics industry is growing at a fast pace. This article will be helpful for the people who are looking to build an Uber-like app for the logistics industry.

The problem that the American logistics industry is facing is regarding their deliveries not getting properly tapped in the market. A major reason for that might be the empty containers which are repositioned with a cost equivalent to a full container, as they don’t find a return leg. The cost of repositioning and maintaining the empty truck depends on the waiting time for it to be filled. Moving back the empty trucks requires almost 15 percent of the operational costs each year.

Usually, in such situation, a shipping company contacts brokers who help them connect with the carriers. But, they end up paying a huge amount as a commission to these middlemen. At the times like these, Uber-like mobile app comes to the rescue. The app can definitely bridge the gap between shippers and truckers. Thus, the need for middleman will be eliminated.

There are times when the shipments need to be released immediately, and the carriers are waiting for the trucks to get these shipments loaded. The Uber-like mobile app for the freight industry would be affordable, improve visibility within the supply chain and also stop the trucks being moved when empty.

A few benefits of Uber for trucking are:

  • More control and impressive tracking abilities

  • A more efficient system

  • Performance tracking made easy

  • Bookings made easy

  • Ease of payments

So, if it has so many advantages, it won’t be a bad idea to get an Uber-like app for your trucking business in order to refresh the operation of the good old logistic industry.

Some of the Admirable features in Uber-Freight App

The Uber application for the freight industry is divided into shipper, driver, carrier and the admin, as there are three players involved in this industry.

  1. Schedule Bookings : This is a feature that will help the shippers schedule the pickup of their shipment as well as the intended drop and other factors.
  2. Payment Integration: Apart from booking, they would love for easy payment methods at the end of their booking. This is why your application should integrate all the possible payment methods, thus offering convenience to the end customer.
  • 3. Maps & In-built Navigation: The in-built navigation and maps system will allow the carriers to feed in the pre-defined routes and also help the drivers with the navigation. 4) Fare Estimation: For both the shippers and the carriers, this is an important feature. It will help you calculate the approximate pricing of the goods that you are planning to courier based on the total weight, the location and other details that you have entered. 5) The Trip History: It is important for both the shippers and the drivers as well as the carriers to maintain a record of the trip.

  • So, if you are planning to build an Uber-like app for the freight industry or you have an idea of your own which could reinvent logistics, Coruscate will become your technology partner, and help you with developing your idea into a fully-defined app model. We have been working on various app ideas and filling the gaps in the mobile application industry.