How Dental Implants Outshine when Compared to Dentures?

Author: Paulo Pinho

Do you know nearly 70% of adults aged between 35 and 44 years have at least one missing tooth due to tooth decay, an accident, gum disease or dental fractures? If you suffer from such a problem, you might be wondering what your options are to gain back the confidence you lost with your smile. In the past, to fix teeth problems that were beyond repair was to pull them out and fix a set of dentures. However, a denture comes with its own set of problems.

What are the problems with dentures?

  • Dentures do not protect jawbone from deterioration
  • If they don't fit properly, they can cause mouth or gum irritation or may require some sticky adhesive to hold them back in place.
  • Dentures might slip when you are eating or speaking.
  • Dentures restrict the types of foods you can eat.
  • No matter how perfectly they are made, they will never feel or look natural as they are not fixed in the mouth.
  • Also, partial dentures can cause wear to the surrounding teeth structures.
  • Dentures are not permanent solutions and have to be replaced.

Thankfully, we have an alternative to dentures now. Dental implants Melbourne! If you are considering dentures to replace your missing teeth, consider the advantages of dental implants first.

Why are dental implants a better option?

Dental implants restore your smile. They are superior to dentures. Implants substitute tooth roots as they are implanted into the jawbone, allowing the bone to receive stimulation at the site of the missed tooth as it functions just like a natural tooth root.

  • Dental implants, unlike dentures, do not affect the surrounding natural teeth.
  • As they are tightly attached to the jaw, you can freely eat whatever you like without the fear of teeth dislodging.
  • They are mess free, requiring no replacement.
  • Dental implants cost is affordable and they are far more attractive compared to a set of dentures.
  • Not only they look natural, but they are also permanent.

The choice is clear!

Should I get dental implants?

If you are suffering from a missed tooth and your gums are healthy, you can benefit from dental implants. Implants are replacement tooth that is surgically implanted into the jawbone.

When maintained well with good oral hygiene, dental implants can last for a lifetime without the need for replacement. Dental implants are now a popular choice for people who have missed their teeth.

Get your implant now, because a better life starts with a beautiful smile!

The author is a dentist. He offers competitive and affordable dental implants Melbourne compared to any others in Melbourne or the whole of Australia. He, with his team treats patients with absolute care, respect, and professionalism. Visit for details.