8 Ways To Make Your Yard Unattractive To Squirrels

Author: Fleming79Vv Fleming79Vv

If you are tired of squirrels constantly having to be dealt with by pest control Berkshire, then you should make your yard unattractive to them. There are many ways for you to do this. Some have been listed below so you can try doing it and see the results that you will be able to achieve relatively easily.

1. Rake up fruits

Fruits such as nuts are incredibly attractive to a hungry squirrel. Prevent them from being attracted to your yard by raking up all the fruits that you see. This will deter them from entering because will be nothing to eat. If they do decide to stay around the area

2. Clean up pet leftovers

Any leftovers by your pet should be cleaned after they eat. You can’t leave the vicinity unless you have already cleaned up after your pet. Any leftovers may be enticing to a squirrel who has not been eating in a few hours. Throwing away the leftovers in a hidden area is also a form of a challenge.

3. Secure garbage bins with locks

If you are throwing away your food in the garbage bins outside of your home, then make sure that you secure them with locks. Squirrels will definitely try checking out what you put inside the garbage bins and make even more of a mess if you don’t keep them in check.

4. Introduce outdoor lighting

Outdoor lighting can be used to spook any unwanted animals as told by a pest control Berkshire. They will also ensure that there’s a less chance of them coming back. This is why you should spend a few bucks on a reliable source of power for your outdoor lighting.

5. Have set traps

Traps, once experienced by the squirrel, will be able to prevent that squirrel from visiting that particular area in the future. If you are unsure of what to do for the maximum effectiveness, then make sure that you call a pest control Berkshire company to give you the services that you need.

6. Get rid of bird feeders

Bird feeders feed squirrels more so than they feed now because of how accessible these bird feeders can be. Unless you have the entire tree blockaded, you aren’t going to be able to feed the birds in the bird feeder peacefully.

7. Shoo them off

Shooing off the squirrel may be something that you haven’t thought of doing because of their difference in behavior. However, they’ve been around us for so long that they’ve gotten used to the sounds that we make. If you do something constantly to weird them out, then they’ll remember it and find your yard unattractive.

8. Get a pet

A guard dog can help deter squirrels from stepping foot in your yard. They will be barking at the sight of the squirrel and won’t stop until you tell them to. This is a great way for your pet to have the exercise that they need as they chase the squirrel around which will definitely never come back.