
Author: Namrata Digambar

Exfoliation/Homeo-Marine Therapies:

A process by which dead skin cells are removed to improve the skin texture and appearance.


Helps removing dead skin

Removes skin tan

Improves tone and texture of the skin

Gives younger look to skin

Increase local blood circulation and lymph flow

Increases immunity and relaxation

The use of Homeopathic medicinal extracts and sea products, including seawater, seaweed, for healing and wellness are more beneficial.

There are two basic types of exfoliation:

1. Mechanical exfoliation

Mechanical defoliants rely on the skin being physically rubbed with a mildly abrasive exfoliation product or brush, a loofah or cactus fiber cloth etc.

2. Enzymatic or dissolving exfoliation

The enzyme and dissolving defoliants rely on their biological action rather than simple physical abrasion.

They are applied to the skin and then rinsed off.

The enzymes used in these treatments dissolve keratin in the skin, removing dead cells.

*Types of Mechanical exfoliations are

Dry skin brushing is a treatment in which the body is brushed with natural bristle brush, to stimulate local blood circulation to the skin, boost general immunity, increase the vital energy of the body, and helps remove dead skin cells.

Wet skin brushing is done on the body with a wet lubricant or a foaming body shampoo before it is brushed.

Body scrub or loofah scrub is a vigorous and revitalizing treatment done using loofah mitt or cactus fiber cloths are used with a foaming body wash to cleanse the skin, stimulate local circulation to the skin, and rejuvenate the body.

A specialized salt (e.g.-marine) is mixed with oil, body wash, water, apple cider vinegar and applied to the body to stimulate local circulation to the skin, smooth the skin, increase the vital energy of the body & removes dead skin cells. Salt scrub is usually done on oily or supple skin, it may be harsh on sensitive & dry skin.

A sugar glow uses table sugar, brown sugar, or raw sugar is mixed with water, oil, milk, wine, or a body wash product and then applied to the body to increase local circulation to the skin, relax the body, and smooth the skin.

A body polish often has a skin care focus, so stress reduction is often a primary treatment goal. This is the most relaxing and elegant of the manual exfoliation treatments.

*Enzyme Exfoliation: An enzyme such as papain is applied(do not rub) to the skin to dissolve keratin and remove dead and dulling skin cells. Enzyme exfoliation treatments are used in facial and in full-body treatments.

Homeo extracts gives revatalizing effects to skin very gently.

Sea products have number of health and medicinal benefits because seaweed and seawater contain significant concentrations of minerals, and seaweeds contain many useful bioactive compounds that are absorbed by the skin.

These treatments can be used to, support detoxification, support the elimination of excess fluid in body tissue, decrease muscular pain, stimulate local circulation to the skin, boost general immunity, give an energy boost, and facilitate relaxation and the decrease of stress.

This is also useful for full-body wellness, revitalization, indirectly helps in weight loss and as an energy booster.

On this Valentine's day experiance a new trend of very natural,effective Homeo-Marine Spa and experiance younger looking skin!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!
