What are the best Professional Translation Services In Stamford?

Author: David Joseph

Increasing Website Traffic with Professional Translation Services In Stamford

There may be situations where you search on Google and ignore a website as it was in a language you don’t understand. This is a common scenario and websites are losing tonnes of traffic just because they are not multilingual. China and India have surpassed even the United States in being the highest internet users in the world. China has 1 billion active users while the United States has one 286,942,362 users just half of what India has. In case you do not optimize for different languages then you are sure missing out on valuable traffic. translation services Stamford and Connecticut provides a translation of your web pages in different languages.

How Translation services Stamford and Connecticut draws traffic?

The first reaction would be translating the entire website to serve every market, but this is a big task. It is advised to start by translating the core elements or online store only into one language using Translation services Stamford and Connecticut. After researching the visitor behavior on new pages for 2 months, you will get an idea on how to adequately address the target audience. It will give an opportunity to recrawl or reindex your website and provide a sense of comparative ranking strength between new pages and old pages. If you have doubt about where to start, scan your analytics account and verify the behavior flow under the behavior tab of your account. It directs the most popular route taken by the most website to give a sense of important pages.

Use of local currency

Changing the price across the website to display the currency as per the choice of the customer can improve the chances of a sale. The best way would be to have a drop down menu and allow users to pick the currency of their preference. Language translation Stamford and Connecticut help in activating this option. The work is made easy to expedite online checkout easier and faster. The program is used to recognize the IP address of the visitor, and the language and price can be changed accordingly so that the customer is able to understand the product and cost as soon as they see the product. It can help to complete the purchase without any hassle.

Local live chat with Language translation Stamford and Connecticut

The live chat option is a boon for online retailers. If you have enabled live chat on your website it is important to have chat operators in various languages else it is best to disable live chat in the regions where there are no English speakers. Language translation Stamford and Connecticut provide automated language translation. If you have the option, you can enable chat across regions with a welcome window on the IP address based on the language of the user. Language translation Stamford and Connecticut enable options to proceed with English chat and FAQ file in their local language. This can help improve both choice and localization.

Social media translation with professional translation Stamford, Connecticut

Tuning the social media account in the language of the new market you are about to penetrate can increase customer interaction and popularize your brand. Professional translation Stamford, Connecticut aids in the localization of the content. It can be a driving factor to improve online traffic to your website. You can also create a new account for the new market. In case you do not have the staff time to do this you can call a professional translation Stamford, Connecticut or open up at least the Facebook option. In Facebook, you can use the PowerEditor tool to designate the particular language and location where you want your post to appear.