7 Tricks to Make Your Web Design SEO Friendly

Author: SEO Brandcare

Creating a professional looking, well designed website will not ensure that your site receives a high amount of traffic, or increase your customer base. If you want to increase the traffic that your website gets, you will need to use search engine optimization. Search engine optimization refers to techniques that are used to improve a websites visibility, and therefore ranking with search engines.website design company in vadodara

Search engine optimization is an incredibly important part of your online presence. If you use SEO correctly, you can improve your search engine ranking and drive more traffic to your website. If you want people to find your website, then you need to use SEO on your site. Usually, when people think of SEO, they think about the copy that’s on their site. Many business owners make sure that they use certain keywords in the articles, blog posts or copy on their site. However, they often fail to make their web design SEO friendly. You can incorporate search engine optimization techniques into more than just your website’s copy. There are a few simple tricks that you can use to make your web design SEO friendly too.

1. Use of Title Tag:

The title is the most important element of a web page, which should be written with due care. The title must include the most important keywords of a web page. Sometimes we see the web pages which only contain company name in the title tag, which is not correct from SEO point of view. Titles are first crawled by search engines, so it must include the keywords that you want to rank in search engines.

2. Meta Tags:

Meta tags contain meta keywords and description. In meta keywords tag you can place all the targeted keywords and key phrases of that page and meta description tag contain a brief about the web page. In addition to this, every web page must contain one heading tag which is written in an H1 tag of HTML. The most targeted keyword of the web page is written in an H1 tag. After this less important keyword or secondary keywords can be written in H2 and H3 tags.

3. Image Optimization:

To optimize images, the alt tag is used. Important keywords or key phrases are written inside the alt tag to describe the image. Images can’t be read by search engines, but an alt tag can well describe an image to search engines. And then search engines can easily read the image through its alt text.

4. Sitemap:

The sitemap is very important for a website especially when you have a dynamic site or a site with thousands or lakhs of pages. Websites with a large number of pages and dynamic sites can’t be easily crawled by the search engines. To overcome this problem XML sitemap is used. XML sitemap helps in crawling all the web pages of a website very easily.

5. Responsive Web Design:

Responsiveness plays an important role in the SEO of a website. A responsive website– a website compatible with the various mobile devices– can enhance the search engine visibility of any website. Here I’ll share with you an informative infographic which explains best practices of responsive web design.web development company in vadodara