What You Need To Know About Site Works

Author: Evokeliving Homes

Building a home is a massive deal for you and your family. There are many homes all around the country that have issues with them due to the fact that care was not taken from the word go or that the developer or builder cut some corners. Big mistake!

You will find advice from all quarters on where to start when building your new home, but at Evoke Living Homes, we like to draw on our experience and expertise to educate and advise our clients. Half the battle in anything challenge in life is having a good start; building a home is no different. Getting your site ready for the off is crucial to ultimate success.

Whether it is assistance with soil classification, site inspection or even a site survey, Evoke Home Living will have your back. You can always depend on a builder who has years of experience to advise you on ways of saving money without putting your project in jeopardy and that is so important, especially if you are dealing with country homes where building specifications might be a bit different.

There are a few areas that you will definitely need to focus on if you are to successfully prepare your site for works.

Classification of Your Soil

I know it may sound strange but finding out what soil type you have on your land is quite important. You will need to have your soil analysed and this will then determine what type of foundation will be best suited to the soil type. This will also determine if you might have any issues in the future with subsidence or underground waters. These tests are usually carried out by a geotechnical expert and are an imperative.

Once your soil is analysed, you may begin work on site. This will include clearing the site of any debris or items that may hinder the movement and space you have. You will need to move any excess soil and too in preparation for the sand pad. The geotechnical expert will fill you in on all this detail too.

It is also vital that you have your site surveyed. The surveyor will tell you if your borders are accurate. This is very important and may say you heartache down the road. This piece of work is important for regulation and insurance reasons and acquiring the services of a qualified surveyor is a no brainer.

When you are building your new home, country homes or otherwise, inspections will take place at various stages of the build. These inspections will give you peace of mind that your project is done by the book and also compliant with the Building Code of Australia. There may be other local regulations too that need to be followed and these inspections will take care of those worries. Some of these inspections may include, footing inspections, framing inspections, waterproofing, Plumbing and of course the final inspection where all previous inspections are reviewed and final safety check of the structure takes place.

The experienced team at Evoke Living Homes love talking all things country building so please contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss your personal circumstances or answer any questions you have!