Global Clinical Nutrition Market To Witness Robust Expansion Throughout The Forecast Period 2019 - 2

Author: Ravikiran Bhosale

Clinical nutrition is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the intake, absorption, and metabolism of dietary constituents. Clinical nutrition also promotes the health by preventing diet-related diseases. As the nutrition plays an important role in the body, deficiency of it could lead to various problems, such as anemia, diabetes, and blood disorder. Clinical nutrition products help to improve metabolism, digestion, absorption, and storage in the human body. Click To Read More On Global Clinical Nutrition Market

Clinical nutrition is a huge domain and is mainly classified into infant, enteral, and parental feeding. Infant nutrition includes products for premature babies with special clinical needs and deserve exceptional nutrition. The major driving factors for growth of clinical nutrition market include increasing prevalence of malnutrition, acute trauma, burns, and eating disorder or major surgery.

Market Dynamics

The significant advances related to prebiotics and probiotics are expected to favor the growth of clinical nutrition market. For instance, in 2017, Healthmune+ Junior launched a sachet that blends a prebiotic and probiotic with cocoa powder, along with Wellmune a clinically proven immune-boosting fiber. Increasing prevalence of obesity and non-communicable disease acts as a driver for growth of the clinical nutrition market. The consumer awareness for positive role of diet plays an important role in disease risk management, which favors the growth of clinical nutrition market. Increased demand for clinical nutrition, due to rising chronic disease, growing number of premature births, and increasing aging population especially in emerging economies is expected to drive the growth of the clinical nutrition market.

Clinical nutrition products are aimed at maintaining a nutritional balance in patients, by providing sufficient amounts of nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, and minerals. The clinical nutrition products are specially formulated to nourish and improve the quality of life for people of all ages, which is in turn favoring the growth of clinical nutrition market. Oral administration of clinical nutrition products is not viable in patients that have severe infection or burns and are recovering from major surgery or acute trauma. Nutritional need in such patients can be met by specialized nutritional feeding known as enteral or parenteral feeding. The enteral nutrition is a segment of clinical nutrition, which includes liquid formula diets and it is administered by feeding tubes into the gastro intestinal tract. Whereas, parenteral feeding is the clinical nutrition administered by the intravascular route.

Furthermore, nutrition and nutritional care are gaining a wide clinical and scientific interest, which is expected to favor the clinical nutrition market growth. The increased knowledge of metabolic disorders and nutritional assessment in the chronic and acute disease is also expected to boost the growth of clinical nutrition market. Premature births, malnutrition, and increasing geriatric population are demanding for most of the clinical nutrition, which is expected to fuel the global clinical nutrition market. Loss of mass, strength, and function favors the growth of global clinical nutrition market. According to the National Institute on Aging, around 524 million people were recorded to be 65 years of age and above, accounting for around 8% of the world's population in 2010, which is expected to triple in number to 1.5 billion, representing around 16% of the world's population by 2050.

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Malnutrition is an important factor driving the need for clinical nutrition

Malnutrition is treated by the clinical nutrition as these products provide accurate amount of the nutrients required by the body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), undernutrition is estimated to be associated with 2.7 million (45%) child deaths annually of all child deaths, creating a huge demand for clinical nutrition products. Many manufacturers are promoting the need of clinical nutrition for the infants and children. For instance, Nestlé Ghana in collaboration with the Ghana Nutrition Society held a nutrition workshop in October 2017, to address micronutrient deficiencies in Ghana, which in turn is expected to favor the growth of clinical nutrition market in the Africa region.

Abbott Nutrition has a huge range of nutritional support product across different segments, which include adults, infant and new mother, therapeutic, child, and sports to cater different age groups. Some other major players operating in the clinical nutrition market include Nestle, Fresenius Kabi, Danone, Baxter Healthcare, and B Braun Melsungen AG.

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