How to Use Employee Advocacy to Boost Organic Reach

Author: Rishika Ahluwalia

In social media, the biggest concern faced by marketers and brands continues to be the decline of organic reach. Unless you have thousands to spend promoting your content, your business needs to be engaged in finding a solution to increase the visibility of your content without increasing paid support. That is when employee advocacy steps in.

4 Ways An Advocate Marketing Program Can Boost Organic Reach1) Your Average Employees Has More Connections Than You Think

In an advocacy marketing program, your employees share your content to their social media feeds that means their reach is tied to the number of connections they have that can potentially see that content. The average Facebook user now has over 400 friends that they are connected to, but that’s just one network. If you include their Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn accounts, we have found that the potential reach climbs to an average of 700 fans each. Each of your employees has the potential to get your content in front of 700 of their friends, colleagues, and family.

2. Your Employees Are On Multiple Social Networks

Declining organic reach is not just a Facebook issue. On Instagram users are only seeing about 25% of the content with the profiles they interact are posting. Therefore, your answer to growing organic reach needs to work across multiple networks as well.

The average internet user has a presence on 5 social media networks at least. When your employees share your content, they are not just sharing your content on Facebook. They are sharing across the various social media networks that they are using every day, even on networks your brand may not have had a specific presence on, exposing your content to an audience that would be left completely in the dark if it wasn’t for your employees sharing it.

3. The More Your Employees Publish, The More Your Reach Increases

There is always a bit of guessing when it comes to content marketing. What brands think will be a success may only be met with a handful of likes and shares. At the same time. When you share content through an employee advocacy platform, your content reach is determined by two factors:

The size of your employee's social audience

The engagement that post receives on your employee's wall

The more content you publish through your employees, the more chances you give your advocates’ friends to interact and grow the reach of that content piece.

4. Employee Growth Is Exponential Growth

Every new member in your advocacy program is another potential 700+ people you can reach. Not just one time, but with every single content post. The rule is very simple: you can increase your organic reach simply by getting more people into your advocacy program. A properly launched and implemented an employee advocacy program will provide a great amount of boost to the organic reach of a company which results in saving a ton of money on branding strategies. It also nurtures a positive good relationship between the company and its employees. Its a win-win from every angle.