Difference between Career Coaching and Counseling Services
There is thin line between career coaching and counseling. Yet they are similar in nature, but they have their own differences. You may be least bothered to know about the difference in these two, but this piece of information is very vital for the people who are keen to make a successful career transition. The working line and the practice of these two services are quite alike then how you will recognize the differences in the services. The prime function of the counselor is to collect information about the client’s talents and the area of his expertise. After learning about the talents and the skills of the client, the counselor helps you in opening up to different career opportunities based on your skill level.
Career coaching service is somewhat different because a coach is not trained to learn your talent level. The work of the coach is to learn about your career prospective and to support in making a decision and choices made by the client. The work of the coach is to provide you with the required mental support to make career transition. For example; if you are working in finance department at a very high post, but you are unable to handle the work because of your lack of interest. So, a coach can help you in making a perfect decision of whether to leave the job or to stay in it.
The career coaching program is basically designed to help the client to choose a particular path unlike the counseling service which informs you with the number of career path to choose for. Both of the services have their own uniqueness and advantages. Like at the time of recession, you have to take a diversion from your career path and for that you have to hire a career counselor to expand the job opportunities. You can probably go on to hire any of the service as per your requisition, but make sure to keep a look at your basic necessities.
If you are a newbie, then hiring a career counseling service will help you make a start to a career and if you are a professional and you want to make a career transition because of job dissatisfaction then you can take the help of career coaching services. Outplacement services are often searched by job seekers. It is a type of consultancy service that can be opted to seek employment in a firm. The job of this consultancy service is to train you with the correct procedures required for strengthening up your base.
The trainers will also help you in informing about the outdated procedure and to adapt the latest procedure in practice. Outplacement service is required for the fresher and the also for the experienced. The reason why the experienced need to hire the service is because to get aware about the latest procedures as they may be forgotten being in the specific field. Hence it is advised to find the best counseling and coaching programs as that can kick start your career and will also help you in making further transitions.