Best Ways to boost your Amazon seller Feedback Rating

Author: Vintek System

Best Ways to boost your Amazon seller Feedback Rating

Your seller feedback ratings are significant to the success of your business on Amazon—period. There is no way around sad customers, and you require to develop a toolkit to actively and fairly address negative reviews. Weak, absent or dangerous feedback ratings can harm your business harshly, negatively impact your rankings and turn customers away from your product–even if it beats out competitors in other areas like price or brand.

Check out these instructions to supercharge your Amazon seller feedback ratings!

1. Nail your branding

Brick and mortar stores spend hundreds of thousands of dollars making the perfect customer experience. They hire brand specialists and interior design firms to nail the whole thing down—from the logo on the business card to the color and density of the carpet. As an online business, you don’t have to concern about finding your perfect shade of paint, but you DO require to concern about the customer experience. Make clear in your mind that your brand and messaging is in line with how you want to be perceived.

2. Deal with issues promptly

Even more significant than how people see your business is the way you make them feel. Customer support is the number one most vital factor in building a good Amazon seller feedback rating. If there is an issue, deal with it promptly—within 24 hours is best – but the sooner the better.

3. Keep it proficient

Never lose your calm with a customer. Make sure you are coming across as well-mannered and specialized and strive to build a courteous and friendly tone. Make the attempt to personalize any communication with the customer’s name and recognize the product they are worried about particularly. Most customers are already depressed with automated or canned messaging and a personal touch can go a long way.

If you are following these strategies, you will surely be on track for a stellar Amazon seller feedback rating.

4. Be proactive in removing negative reviews

Despite your best attempts, there will still be times when somebody is dead set on leaving negative feedback. With these harsh cases, it’s significance to check if you can do something about getting the negative review removed. The following situations will result in Amazon removing negative feedback from the site:

  • The feedback comprises personally identifiable information

  • The whole feedback comment is a comment review, not a seller performance review.

  • The whole feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon"

5. Boost your good reviews

The other part of boosting your Amazon seller feedback ratings is increasing positive reviews. It’s about proportion—a greater quantity of positive reviews will start to make negative reviews look like an accident. Regrettably, the enormous majority of satisfied customers don’t leave reviews, so it’s significant to remain proactive in asking those customers to leave feedback.

6. Make a relationship over time

If you are planning on asking for feedback, you’d better begin by building a relationship with your customer. Asking for a favor needs to come from a place of established contact and trust—not out of the blue, so plan on automating a few rounds of messaging to guarantee you get the best feedback possible.

7. Turn a bad experience into a good one

An unhappy customer makes a perfect opportunity to create a good review. It sounds counter-intuitive, but if you have a buyer who has filed a complaint with you, jump on it—fix the trouble, send them a personalized message and thank them. Once you’ve been excited in resolving their issue, they are probable to leave you positive feedback.

8.Inquire for feedback in a personal manner

Perhaps the best way to get people to connect and leave you feedback is simply to inquire for it. When you are ready to inquire for feedback, customize subject and signature lines with a more personal touch, comprising their name, your name and your position. Most significantly, if you notice that your emails are unopened, inquire again. Wait 4-7 days and resend your email. When a customer notices you reaching out a second time, there is a much greater possibility they will open the email.

Putting it all collectively

Increasing your seller feedback rating is the most excellent method to fast track your online sales success. Adding value with vast customer service, nipping negative reviews in the bud and actively encouraging feedback from your glad customers are all tactics that will help you reinforce your growing reputation and draw customers in again and again.

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