Website Design: Things That Have Evolved With The Dawn of The Century

Author: Efadh Com

It does not date very long back when the start of Website design took place. We can say that web design fairly ideated during the later half of 1980s. The World Wide Web came into go-live during 1991-1993. The initial websites were text-based only. It was hardly possible to have sound and images integrated into the websites as they were built using UNIX.

With the advancement in technology, the competition also grew in the web area. Companies like Microsoft and Net beans developed services at the cost of dominating the internet. This competition brought out some positive improvement and evolved the web design at high speed. Companies started releasing their own standards and features and tags to promote and suffice easy web designs. But to discourage the monopoly of web design, W3C was created in 1994. W3C standardized certain common protocols and continues to do so even today. It was in the year 2000 that Microsoft released Internet Explorer - the first browser that was capable to support HTML 4.01 and CSS at that time. It eventually raised the standards of web designing.

The speed at which technology was changing, it took web to change simultaneously with it. The web started to integrate into people's day-today activities very rapidly. There has been significant and remarkable changes visible in the usability and access of web. And this has ultimately changed the approach of designing websites.

Client’s requirement decides the type of website design that has to be done. For business purpose it will be different than that built and designed for retail purpose. The academic websites will certainly be designed differently than the one created for any event functions. One can say a website for marketing needs different set of knowledge than that created for communication purpose.

Today's’ digital market is one stop shop for every commodity. Every business runs an online platform for their sales of the product. To run the business efficiently online, the owner would definitely need to have a well customized website. With the varieties of product that a single company launches, there is the requirement for design of forest site in today’s era. A forest site would contain various sections containing different product details.

Many companies are now providing services to design professional and official websites as per the requirement. The Web Design in Riyadh has been performing at its peak and can be witnessed by the presence of many firms that offer such services. People are highly skilled in their respective departments and work collaboratively to bring out the best website for the client.

It can not be denied that web designing has also open many job opportunities to mass of people. Being a lucrative work it has attracted many to work on it and earn decently. What was tough and tedious in past dawn is a mere simple job now.