Natural Toenail Fungus Treatment Consideration
Toenail fungus can be unsightly. Caused by fungi known as dermatophytes, they burrow under the toenails, which make them to become thick, crusty distorted and discolored. These infections tend to be persistent and sometimes rather painful. While there are over the counter fungal creams, they often have mixed results. Anti-fungal oral medications do work, but then there is a whole host of side effects that can include liver damage and they take several weeks to work, increasing the likelihood of side effects.
With all of this, what can a person do to treat these types of infections? Here are some natural toenail fungus treatments that may work better than conventional methods without all of the side effects.
Tea Tree Oil
Nature’s disinfectant, tea tree oil has long been used for a variety of cleansers and infection healers. Found in health food stores, naturopaths and online, it is relatively inexpensive. You simply apply the oil to the effected nails twice a day for 2 months or longer. No, it’s not a quick fix, but it is effective and doesn’t have the side effects of conventional medicines.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Another one of nature’s cures, you can find this in health food stores and online. Using it the same way as you would tea tree oil, it can take quite a while to get rid of the fungus entirely, but again no side effects makes this a great natural toenail fungus treatment.
Borax Powder (Boric Acid) and Baking Soda
Both of these are nature’s anti-fungal cures that work well for athlete’s foot and toenail fungus in the feet. Simply mix up some borax, baking soda and water to make a paste. Apply to wet nails/feet twice a day. You can purchase borax at your local supermarket or you can purchase it as boric acid online.
Word of Caution: Borax powder has been banned in some countries, so check to see if it’s available in our area.
Listerine Mouth Wash
Okay, so it’s not a natural cure, but it does work quite well because it’s an antiseptic. Simple mix Listerine with 2 cups of hot water and soak your toes and feet for at least 30 minutes once a day.
Interesting note: Listerine also works on other fungus and parasites like ringworm, saving money on expensive treatments.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Epsom Salt
This natural toe fungus treatment really works. Use 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar, full strength, 1/3 cup of Epsom salt and 2 cups of hot water. Soak for your toes and feet for at least 30 minutes once or twice a day. Soaking longer is better, but 30 minutes is the absolute minimum.
With all of these, as with conventional methods, you do have to continue the treatments until the nail completely grows out to be completely rid of the fungus. You can use any one of these treatments by itself or any combination of all of them. Using these natural toe fungus treatments is a safe and effective way to use nature and your body’s power of healing.