Helpful Information on Biobanks & Services
Biobanking is key for scientific research and medical procedures at all levels. In order to get the most out of your human tissue banking endeavors, you need to work with the right biobank to suit your needs. We will help you figure this out by providing you with the following information on biobanks to consider:
Types of tissues carried
When you are engaging in scientific research, you need a certain type of human tissue sample to get it done right. This means that your biobank should be able to provide you with those exact human tissues. While that is a no-brainer, the following information on biobanks is not so obvious: a biobank is not like a monetary bank in that they all don't carry the same thing. Unlike money, human tissues vary greatly, so you need to make sure that your biobank of choice normally carries the types of human tissues that you need.
Lab services
There may be some things that your lab simply cannot do due to a lack of equipment and/or personnel. There are some biobanks that will carry this weight for your lab by doing some of your lab work for you. If there is any lab work or tissue preparation that you and your team cannot do yourself, you need to find a biobank that can do this for you.
Science has come to a point that in order to be the best at something, you must focus on that one thing. This means that the foremost experts in something could be anywhere. Instead of relying solely on their in-house team, no matter how capable, a biobank should occasionally outsource their efforts to the best at a specific task. Getting this information on biobanks beforehand will make your human tissue banking endeavors much easier.
Storage method
In order for them to be usable, your human tissue samples have to be stored properly; otherwise they will be damaged beyond your ability to use them. Make sure that your human tissue bank uses adequate storage methods such as snap freezing so that you won't get a poor quality human tissue sample.
Digital services
Sometimes all you need is a very detailed depiction of a human tissue sample for it to be helpful in your scientific research endeavors. If a biobank can provide you with these images, then you no longer have to worry about the time and resource consuming act of capturing tissue sample images yourself.
Contact ILS Bio for more information
To start biobanking on the highest levels today -- or for more information on biobanking in general -- contact our team at ILS Bio. We are a team of human tissue and biobanking experts that can help you get the human tissue samples that you need when you need them, how you need them. We do this by combining the capabilities of our well-versed management team and our network of partners to make sure that you get the highest quality iteration of exactly what you need.