Brain Health & Floatation Tank Therapy
Among the biggest and most frequently asked questions about floatation therapy is what actually makes sensory deprivation as effective as they say it is? Well, the plain and simple answer to that question is "The theta state".
This would naturally give rise to the question for some of us "what is the Theta State"? Well, to explain it in the layman's terms, it is basically a slower brainwave which is akin to the state meditators arrive at during their deep relaxation practices.
Based on floatation tank scientific research, this is similar to the state most of us experience just before we fall asleep. In the Theta state, we normally experience vivid imagery, sudden deep insight, profound clarity towards given situations and eureka moments. The Theta brainwaves are typically slower or lower than gamma, beta and alpha brainwaves which is the brain level that we are commonly at, nevertheless Theta state brainwave is faster than delta brainwaves.
Now, during floatation tank sessions we achieve this state of mind whereby our internal mechanics are enhanced significantly and by this what is meant is Oxygen, for instance, is delivered to our cells with much greater effectiveness and efficiency. The brain is also given a reprieve which allows it to function better and gain a clear perspective.
In other words, the brain is 'rebooted' and everything goes into their natural order or state and floatation therapy has been found to actually encourage the body to relax enough in order to allow it's systems to recalibrate in an unimpeded manner which is also known as vasodilatation.
This is when all the blood vessels in our biological system dilate and decrease blood pressure significantly and this, in turn, enhances the body's ability to heal effectively at faster rates, reduces inflammations and increases feel-good chemical production such as endorphins.
Therefore, this would mean that floatation therapy heals our bodies at numerous levels based on the simple fact that with an increased level of blood flow, all our primary organs would naturally receive much more oxygen than they usually do enable these organs to function at optimal levels.
There is also indication based on clinical trials that diseases such as hypertension and congestive heart failure are alleviated with regular floatation therapy. Going back to the production of endorphins which are enhanced, what we need to know here is that these hormones play a critical role in experiencing euphoric states which are crucial towards pain reduction and stress relief.
Apart from that floatation therapy has also been found to enhance brain function (in terms of being able to focus, think clearly and enhanced creativity) due to the fact that during the therapy oxygen delivery to the cells has a direct and profound impact on the brain's capacity to function at higher ratios.
It is due to these facts that individuals who often subject themselves to floatation therapy are in generally better moods and apart from that are generally healthier due to their enhance autoimmune system that is a positive side effect due to the after-effects of floatation therapy.