What Will You Experience After Skipping the Visit to Snellville Dental Clinic?

Author: Allen Rose

Getting your teeth checked every six months is a general rule of thumb - but people having previous issues, poor mouth hygiene, or genetic factors could require regular observation. But a hectic lifestyle and obsession of sitting in a dentist chair generally slip off the regular check-up.

While some having healthy teeth can easily wait for a time period of two years, people who opt for skipping their regular check-ups could face the quick deterioration of their oral health – and may not even feel anything is wrong.

Let’s know what happens when you do not visit the Snellville dental clinic regularly:

After Six Months

In this duration, many patients will not know that small cavities in their teeth have been started developing. These holes are the result of tooth decay which will get extensive with passing time. If left untreated, these cavities can result in tooth loss.

Along with inspecting teeth health, these appointments can be the stage at which early signs of oral cancers are identified – especially essential for those patients who drink and smoke continuously.

After One Year

Neglecting the visit from one year and no involvement of dentist means gum disease can occur. Its symptoms are bleeding and painful gums. Left untreated, a patient can experience tooth loss and painful inflammation. But many patients make the problem worse by brushing less for preventing the discomfort of brushing raw gums.

After Two Years

After passing two years, the chances are that patients will get some kind of toothache or need expensive and painful treatment to resolve issues. At this point, a cavity – which at one stage can be quickly and relatively fixed in a cheap way – may require a root canal. This kind of procedure includes multiple visits and also painful. The chances of gum recession are also more. Existing dental treatment like implants starts failing. A patient’s oral health will become more critical at this point.

After Five Years

At this point, underlying oral health issues will turn into serious concerns. If upkeep techniques of teeth have been avoided for a long time, then the long-term existence of the teeth is at danger. For instance, tartar requires to be constantly scraped away by using a special tool when the process of scaling is performed. And after five years, your teeth problems will be treated in a large amount that becomes hard to deposit.

After Ten Years

At this stage, the overall shape of the mouth will become a concern because teeth become crooked or crowded without any intervention. After completion of a decade without the check-up from a dentist, a patient’s teeth will be worn down and become sensitive.

For obtaining the proper treatment, it’s essential to rely on a well-known dentist in Snellville GA like the dentists you will find with Snellville Family Dental. Their dentists are highly educated and trained who never gives discomfort to any patient while providing dental procedures. From the second you will visit their office to the second you leave, you will only feel amazing and comfortable. The best part is they accept most of the dental insurances and what are these, you can know by contacting them.