Hire Professional Services for Safe Asbestos Disposal in NJ

Author: Mike Petkov

As you know that asbestos is a hazardous substance as it can cause severe health problems such as infections and mesothelioma, so it is necessary to remove it safely from a building whether residential or commercial. Along with the safe removal or remediation of asbestos, it is also essential to dispose of this hazardous substance with proper safety and awareness because the small particles of removed asbestos material can become airborne and spread infections and can contaminate the environment as well. So if you are planning to remove the asbestos from your building, you should consider hiring the service of a professional in NJ who can remove and dispose of the asbestos with proper arrangements.

The U.S environment protection agency of New Jersey has approved the code of practice for safe asbestos disposal in NJ so hiring the certified and expert asbestos disposal services can fulfill your requirements. A specialist asbestos removal and disposal contractor can serve your needs in the following ways.

  • An expert service provider will collect the asbestos waste and store the dust and non-dust particles of asbestos in the sealed containers to prevent them from becoming airborne. The expert will utilize the thick polythene bags to store the asbestos waste so that the small particles cannot pollute the environment and won’t spread infections around that can become harmful for building owners and surrounded people too.
  • During the process for disposal of asbestos waste, the expert will also make arrangements to make the asbestos material wet with the water and chemicals to prevent the dust emissions while sealing the bags or containers. The professional will use the gooseneck tie to seal the bags for stopping the dust particles to become airborne.
  • During the sealing process, the expert will also mark the containers with the caution "Asbestos Waste" so that no one can try to come closer to the bags. The expert will also keep the bags half filled to prevent the risk of container tearing while loading the waste in the disposal vehicle.
  • For the safe
asbestos disposal in NJ, the expert will also keep the external surface of the bags clean and sprayed and might even use the double-bagging system to store the hazardous waste and to take it for the disposal without any risk of contamination. The asbestos removal expert will immediately store the waste material in the certified containers to dispose of it off because leaving the asbestos waste untreated for a long time can also become risky for the workers and building owners.

  • The expert team of asbestos removal company or contractor will take the hazardous asbestos waste to the approved location for safe disposal where no population is residing or working. The team will dispose of the material underneath the land so that it cannot harm the environment. After safe removal and disposal of the asbestos substance, the expert will issue a certification to you specifying that your building is free from the asbestos contamination and set for safe living.