Cochlear Implant Helped South African Patient to Regain Her Sense of Hearing

Author: Kanchan Madan

Hi, this is Mrs. Cheryl Mortensen, I am from South Africa, and I recently had my cochlear implant surgery in India, which proved a boon to me making me free from the hearing issues. It helped me in getting the back of sense of hearing along with the speech and thus making me free from the hearing loss giving me all my senses back without any hassle or issue. I was appalled with the issues that led me to the surgery, however, getting in South Africa was an expensive deal, which made me opt for the option of medical tourism in India as I knew that this country offers me healthcare services with great affordability and quality. I researched it to find out a medical tourism company called Tour2India4Health Consultant that offered me good and affordable packages for the surgery thus making my mind to visit this place.

I shared my medical reports and then got a solution, which suited my budget and requirements. Thus with my consent, my process for applying for medical visa commenced. In a week's time, I was ready to leave South Africa to get cochlear implant surgery in India. As I reached, I found the doctor ready to treat me. My meeting gave me the idea as to what the surgery is all about. The implant or bionic ear happens to be a complex but simple electronic device which is implanted surgically inside the inner ear to offer the right sense of sound to the person suffering from the hearing loss. I was admitted to the Best Hospital for Cochlear Implants Surgery called Fortis Hospital in Delhi which was among the best in the city. The doctors and the medical team were competent and it had all the state of art facilities one would want to get the treatment done.

ON getting the cochlear implant surgery in India I experienced positive results. For people who are seen losing the hearing aid like was able to get to hear and speak along with getting the right perception of speech along with getting the sound after cochlear implant along with making it different in the initial stage but can turn smooth, which is my current state. My doctor informed me that after using the same for a few months, things would become natural and familiar to me. Getting treated at such a big hospital, I only got a higher success rate for my surgery. I was there in the hospital for 2 days. My real work simply started after the surgery, while the rehabilitation I got gave me a huge amount of benefits from the implant surgery that helps in starting up the fitting that was seen over the external parts speech processor along with the transmitter and battery pack. The required adjustments and reprogramming were carried out in order to work for the same.

For me, the Cochlear Implants Surgery in India was arranged by the healthcare group called Tour2India4Health. It is known to offer excellent healthcare services for the global patients that offer the surgeries at honest affordable prices. It is one of the preferred group having the best hospitals and clinics for quality cochlear implant surgery India with affordability seeking the top surgeons for the said surgeries. At least I experienced the same with the group while having the surgery in India. I highly recommend this group and the country for any healthcare services as I know people would get the best of the quality with affordability element. I, therefore, thank my medical consultant along with the doctor and his team who treated me with great care and professionalism.