AR Dunk Basketball Game: Turning Imaginations into Reality
We all have played video games inour childhood. Whether it’s the super thrilling Contra or the fun-loving Mario,we have enjoyed it even when it was all black and white. We played it knowingthat it would never come out of the monitor or TV. But, that was so lastdecade. Time has changed and the technology has evolved. Today, we are in aworld where technology is changing with the speed of the light.
Creative minds are on a mission toturn our childhood dreams into reality and a few of them have been successfulwith the launch of quirky gaming applications like ARBasketball Game and the world famous Pokemon Go.
While Pokemon Go is a no new toanyone, AR Dunk can be. AR Dunk is a basketball gaming application having itsroot in the augmented reality technology. Being evolved from the emerging ARtechnology, the AR Dunk apps allows you to delve into the real world ofbasketballs. By installing the app on your smartphone, you can create an entirebasketball court on your screen and play it as if you are playing it in real.
The best thing about the app is thatit comes with a real-time scanning feature. This means, as soon as you open theapp, the camera of your device starts scanning your location. Later on, the appasks you to tap on the screen to set a background for your game. This impliesthat you can set your current location as the background of your basketballgame and give it an all-real look. This makes it completely unique and standsit out of the crowd.
The app comes with the followingfeatures:
- Areal-time background? Aflying hoop which keeps changing its position, and hence making the game a bitdifficult? Fascinatingbaseball which you can unlock by scoring more and more? Anoption to share your scores with your friends? Aholistic approach to woo every basketball game lover
The AR technology is taking thegaming world by storm and we saw this with the launch of Pokemon Go applicationwhich is also a generation of Augmented Reality technology. Hence, it is clearthat the future of AR games is bright. All we need to do is jump into it beforeit becomes too common to be tested.
Always remember, we do not wantgames to woo us every then and now but to entertain us when we really need themto do so. At times of boredom, at times of long-waiting hours, and at timeswhen you have nothing to do - games like AR Dunk prove to be a savior. So, waitno more and try out this exciting AR Dunk Basketball game. Discover theunconventional way of playing basketball and invite your friends to jump intoit. The ARDunk Basketball game app is available on both the App Store and PlayStore. This means the app is made to allure both
Android as well as iPhone users.
Hurry up!! Explore the unique way to play basketballs with the AR Dunk App.