Causes of Joint Pain - Why do Some People Have Aching Joints?
Joint pain, known as arthralgia, is discomfort that arises in joints, with there being a few types of joints in the human body: ball and socket, pivot, fixed, and hinge.
Joint pain, also known as arthralgia, is discomfort that arises in a joint, with there being a few types of joints in the human body: ball and socket, pivot, fixed, and hinge. A joint is where two bones are connected to each other by ligaments. Muscles are attached to those same bones by tendons with both the ligaments and tendons being surrounded by protective sheaths. A fluid filled protective pocket, known as bursae, surrounds each joint, and within the joint the bones have a protective lining made up of cartilage which helps them move over each other more easily. If any part of the joint is damaged through disease, trauma, injury, or inflammation than pain will be experienced.
Joints provide support and mobility. If there is damage to a joint from disease or an injury it can cause pain while limiting the range of motion in that specific joint. Joint pain is actually rather common with the CDC reporting in 2006 that 30% of adults have reported joint pain or stiffness in the past 30 days. With the most common reporting being in the knee joint at 18% followed by pain in the shoulder (9%), finger (7%), and hip (7%).
The joint pain you experience can be classified in one of two ways, acute or chronic. Acute joint pain is any pain that goes away within a few weeks. Chronic joint pain, on the other hand, lasts from several weeks to months. The pain can range from a mild discomfort to an inability to move the joint.
Even acute pain can cause your quality of life to decrease. If you notice your quality of life has gone down, or the joint pain is causing you to have enough discomfort to effect even minor tasks it's time to see a doctor. Some other symptoms to keep an eye out for that which can indicate you need to seek medical attention are: a fever not associated with a flu, unintended weight loss, joint pain lasting longer than three days, or you have severe and unexplained joint pain.
Doctors will first try to diagnose and treat the cause of your joint pain. Their primary goal is to try and preserve joint function while decreasing the pain and inflammation. This is usually done through at home exercises, creams, medicine, alternative methods, any combination of the above, and in more severe instances surgery.
Michael Dorner writes about health-related issues on behalf of EntraCell Pharmacy. His writing focuses on pain management, scar treatment and wound care. For more information on joint pain, visit