How will Agile Testing bring value for Enterprise Applications in 2019?

Author: Diya Jones
In today’s rapidly growing data driven world of business, enterprises need to step up their game by leveraging cutting edge applications, technologies and systems. To stay a step ahead of the competition, enterprises should be able to tackle challenges and meet emerging customer needs. The challenges could be in the form of new security scares, implementation of new technologies/paradigms, or the changing dynamics of user preferences. To meet these challenges, enterprises should be agile, efficient, scalable, flexible, and innovative by leveraging enterprise applications. However, before we delve into how agile testing can add value to enterprise applications in the year 2019, let us understand what these are all about.

What are enterprise applications?

These applications cater to the needs of enterprises in terms of augmenting productivity, cutting down redundancies, enhancing efficiency, and bolstering the customer feedback mechanism among others. These complex and mission critical applications are distributed and component based that can be scaled up (or down) based on the business requirements. The five characteristics of enterprise applications are:

  • Scalable to meet the expected growth in users.
  • Flexible to support new features, functionalities or modules.
  • Robust enough to function seamlessly without glitches.
  • Built-in security features to thwart the ingress of any malware. Moreover, the security should be reviewed on a continuous basis throughout the application lifecycle.

In order to ensure the above characteristics hold good and the applications meet their stated business objectives, these should undergo rigorous agile testing. So, why should testers forsake the traditional waterfall model of testing and opt for agile software testing?

Shortcomings of traditional waterfall testing

The modus operandi of building an enterprise application or any application for that matter is ideation and designing followed by development, integration, testing, deployment and maintenance. Since the process is sequential where each stage does not begin working until the previous stage has given a sign off, QA testers are able to test the components quite late in the SDLC. Thus, any glitch found becomes difficult, time consuming, and costly to be removed.

Moreover, there is little interaction between the testers and developers as both work in their respective silos and don’t want to venture into each other’s territory. Often testers wait for their turn to run a set of pre-determined tests to decide if the software needs to be passed ahead or sent back. Since the testing is not comprehensive and often lacks precision, the software is not fully quality compliant. As a result, customers must bear the brunt of operating a glitch prone application and the business reaping the bitter harvest of losing customers. To address these challenges, agile testing is increasingly being used by the QA team.

What is an agile testing approach?

The agile testing approach has shorter iterations and is better placed to identify errors and correcting them. In fact, at the beginning of the designing phase, the development and testing teams are placed in ‘sprints’ meant to achieve a particular objective. In the fast-changing dynamics of business today where enterprise applications function as the eyes and ears of stakeholders, it is only the agile testing services that can add value and deliver quality.

Advantages of using agile testing services

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