How to Improve Your Kids English Grammar Quickly

Author: Sheetal Kadu

Are you looking for ways to improve your kid’s English grammar? Kids begin learning the basics of English grammar right during their kindergarten days. Gradually, grammar basics are introduced in the classroom in Grade 1. One of the quickest ways to improve your kid’s English Grammar is using the Class 1 English Grammar Worksheets and Class 2 English Grammar Worksheets.

Improve ReadingSkills

Every child responds differently to various teaching aids. Find out whether your kid likes listening, reading or writing more. Are there any resources that your kids enjoy using? If your kids love books, then give them some well-written classic stories to read and improve their grammar skills. If you use worksheets then ask your kids to read out the answers they have written. Correct them if required by giving more examples in a similar context.

Reading will help your kids to understand where the appropriate grammar concepts are used in the language. How do tenses work? Where are synonyms and antonyms used? Why they are used? If your kids require extra help, read out short stories to them. Let them ask questions about the stories. Then, ask them to read it back to you again. Regular reading exercises using teaching aids such as books, worksheets, etc. will enhance your child’s language skills faster.

Practice Writing

English Worksheets for Grade 1 are designed to help your kids with nouns, pronouns, prepositions, verbs, adjectives, tenses and more. Class 2 English worksheets introduce more complex concepts such as synonyms, antonyms, common noun, simple present tense, comparison of adjectives etc.

Exercises such as fill in the blanks, complete the sentences etc. are given with answer keys in worksheets. Worksheets are not as overwhelming as a book full of exercises for your kids. They are enjoyable and allow your kids to be more creative by using colors to answer the questions. Worksheets also present kids with one question at a time. Also, it makes your kids read the questions in the worksheets and think of the answers as per their understanding of the concept.

You can track the progress of your child’s English Grammar skills by going through the worksheets that they have completed at home. If they have made errors in specific worksheets such as adjectives or tenses then make them understand the concept with more examples and then give them a fresh set of worksheets to evaluate their progress.

Better Listening

Allow your kids to learn from good audio-visual entertainment programmes, animation shows or audio stories. Make sure to limit the time they spend on various devices. Read stories from physical books. Get involved in their learning journey. Listening will help your kids to understand the basic structure of the language and how they sound. Thus, improving their communication skills quickly.

You can begin improving the English grammar skills of your kids by downloading the free English Grammar Worksheets for Class 1 and Class 2. For specially-designed Class 1 and Class 2 English Grammar Worksheets.