How mobile video advertising has replaced the traditional mediums of advertising?

Author: Arun Singh


Since a long period of time, advertising has been playing a very crucial role for brands or advertisers to reach & engage their customers. But, with the evolution of technology, marketing strategies have also developed. Now, no business can depend on the traditional mediums of communication like TV commercials, radio ads or roadside banners. To reach, engage or acquire maximum number of customers, digitalization is very important.

Nowadays, mobile video advertising platforms like moLotus, M-AdCall and others are getting high popularity among top global marketers and brands. In fact, it has become the most preferred marketing medium to enhance customer engagement and brand awareness process. As per the recent report of "Digital vidya", around 55% of people watch videos everyday on their mobile phones and 70% of them remember what they see and hear.

Let’s have a look on some advantages of mobile video advertising that make it better than the traditional mediums of advertising-

Customer Engagement

One of the strongest distinctions between moLous- a breakthrough mobile video marketing platform and other traditional forms of communication is that it has better customer engagement capability. It not only attracts customers but also keeps them engaged, retained and loyal. It delivers eye-catchy greetings, wishes, offers directly to the user’s phone inbox which could be viewed anytime without using any app or internet.

Brand Awareness

The central purpose of any advertisement is the development and maintenance of a company’s brand image. Building a brand image is a very important aspect of any successful business organization. The mobile video messaging platforms like moLotus, help brands establish their value and credibility among their customers. moLotus is a personalized medium that delivers high-impact up to 40 seconds rich mobile video content instantly and directly which are phone screen optimized for both vertical and horizontal viewing. It is an innovative and highly interactive medium that also helps brand demonstrate their products and services.

Create Value Proposition

As marketers, your value proposition is a blend of product/service benefits and the price which you offer to a particular target audience group. Mobile video advertising helps businesses base their values on top quality, low price and with unique designs. Marketers and advertisers have full control on what kind of ad message they want to deliver, to which audience group and when. This gives greater ability to the customers in analyzing; why your brand has superior value.

Two-Way Active Communication

Unlike traditional marketing channels, moLotus- a mobile digital video advertising platform has better brand-customer interaction options. moLotus is enabled with multiple call-to-action options like SMS, calls and clickable links that make the communication easy & effective, as compared to other forms of communication. Herein, the receiver can immediately get connected with the desired brand regarding a particular ad send to him/her – no app, no internet required.

In a nutshell, moLotus- a revolutionary mobile video advertising platform is far more effective than traditional mediums of communication, in terms of customer engagement, brand awareness and profit generation.