Current situation in banking requirements
Growth and prosperity of a country reflects from the financial institutions of that territory. Bank shows the wealth statistic of a nation which evaluated by the bankers. A person working in bank is considered as the high status job holders. If we ask any one in India what type of career path he /she will be interested in seventy percent pupil will be interested in Government job, but looking at the government job openings it seems more as impossible, then comes the turn of banking jobs, which ranked as second priority. The reason behind this preservation lies with the job facilities associated to this type of job. It was believedthat banking job provides job security, employee satisfaction, proper appraisal system and other employee benefits that an employee expects from his job.
Currently maximum numbers of job openings are available in this sector. Not only government banks, but also private banks are coming with optimum opportunities. After the revised RBI act, many established business empires are showing their interest in this field and some of them already got the green signal to start their own banking houses. India we are having more than 80 different types of banks and in near future it will increase to three digit numbers. The banking sectors now booming with more than 7 lakh employees and in upcoming time banking sector will require 40,000 man powers for its smooth running. The large number of people in banks will be retiring during next few days that vacant place will be the opportunity for people interested in this career.
Banking sector is creating placement opportunity for young mass full with energy and enthusiasm.Various post vacancies in banks coming with different eligibility criteria’s. Years before the only entry way was clerical post but now the situation is different any worth person can start up his career as clerk, PO, MT etc., the modern technology and high speed life style changed the face of traditional pattern of banking. Students with knowledge of technical expertise and strong determination explore the new path for banking. People from various background and fields are involved in different activates related to banks. People starting from simple graduate to skilled management knowledge or having deep technical expertise are getting dignified designations in different banks.
Keeping this growing field in view, many banking couching centers established. Those are running with large number of student intake. Now we can see maximum numbers of banking institutions in a city to make students train according to the current exam pattern of banks. There are many Banking Institute in Bhubaneswar. City like Bhubaneswar populated with maximum number of students as there are more educational institutions in this locality. Students prefer to prepare themselves from starting days of college. Most of the students went to many reputed Couching centers. Many renowned names are involved in the field of Banking Coaching in Bhubaneswar.
Moreover the reality is banking sectors taking a large number of students from colleges in campus drive from disciplines like MBA graduates in agriculture and chartered accounts. Banking sector offers well defined career growth to every potential student. Banks are waiting for bright, knowledgeable and smart employees. Grab this opportunity and prepare yourself for glowing future.