Proof that Pine Pollen Extract Is Exactly What You Are Looking For

Author: Canadianpine Pollen

Pine pollen extract is the yellow powdery substance extracted from the pine trees. Pine pollen is the small particle produced by the male cone of the pine trees and commonly used as a dietary supplement due to its amazing health benefits. Researches prove that the pine pollen contains about 200+ nutrients, bioactive, amino acids, folic acid and much more.

Pine pollen extract is also a rich source of natural hormones including androgens which helps to regulate testosterone androgen. Being a tonic medicine, it appears to have a traditional usage in Chinese medicine as well, although the species used to treat a variety of medical conditions for a while without any toxic effects on your body.

What's in it?

Pine pollen is much more than a hormone increasing supplement. It is loaded with testosterone, DHT Androsterone is another strong androgenic substance such as phytoandrogens. It also contains the following:

Vitamins- B-Vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D2, D3 and Vitamin E, Folic acid.

Mineral- Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus, Copper etc.

Amino acids- alanine, Arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, lysine, proline, serine, tryptophan and much more.

Benefits and Properties of Pine Pollen Extract:

  • Energy Booster: Pine pollen is a powerful superfood that contains natural hormones which help to maintain the level of testosterone in the blood, improve the blood circulations and boost energy levels in the body. Pine pollen supplies essential nutrients in the body which also helps to improve overall health.
  • Distresses the Mind: Pine pollen has adaptogen characteristics which help to make you physically and mentally healthy. It relaxes the mind, improves concentration and promotes mood changes.
  • Reduce inflammation: Pine pollen has inflammatory properties that help to reduce pre and post workout inflammation and other chronic pain in the body.
  • Fighting disease: Pine pollen increases the body's ability to fight various conditions such as high blood pressure, stress, and other problems. Pine pollen supplements help the body to raise the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in liver, heart and brain and repair tissue damage.
  • Regulate Prostate: Pine pollen has adaptogenic effects that help the body to be a self-prostate regulator. The steroids in the pine pollen such as Gibberlins helps to regulate the prostate size and improved fertility.
  • Boosting the Immune System: Pine Pollen contains polysaccharides and natural sugars which stimulates the immune systems and enhances the body's ability to fight infections. It also supplies valuable minerals like zinc, which are essential to optimal immune function.
  • Losing Weight: Pine pollen helps in increasing metabolism that helps to reduce weight and contains DHEA that improve the levels of wellbeing like low obesity, focus boosting, libido, glucose tolerance and promote longevity.
  • Treat skin problems: Pine pollen is also used to treat many skin problems, and other benefits of pine pollen include, regulate the menstrual cycle in women, improve fertility, and stimulate antiviral activities and much more.

Pine pollen products such as pine pollen tincture, powder extract, and capsules can be used as a supplement to boost your energy, regulate and hormones, boost metabolic activities and improve endurance before and after your workout routine. It is the best supplement for those who want to achieve healthy living and improve their overall health. Pine pollen can be consumed by the people age above 35 for the best results. If you're a gym lover or an athlete who wants to improve their physical performance, then pine pollen is the one you should give a try. You can also take recommendations from your family doctor or any health expert, if you are new for this.