Top Apartment Friendly Hobbies

Author: Simon Hopes

Everyone should have a hobby, but some hobbies just aren’t cut out for apartment life. For example, if you love model trains and want to build a train layout, you may not have space for it in an apartment. If you are looking to take up a new hobby and want to ensure it fits your apartment lifestyle, consider these options.

Learn to Cook

Today’s modern apartments often feature beautiful, gourmet kitchens that are a dream to cook in! Why not capitalize on that? Learn to cook, and let your inner chef shine when you are at home. You can find plenty of inspiring food blogs to follow online, or sign up for a mean prep service that will deliver recipes and ingredients right to your door.

Unleash Your Inner Bibliophile

If you love to read, then embrace that as your hobby. You don’t have to have a large book collection to read avidly. Take advantage of digital books, or hit up your local library for rentals. Consider joining a book club so you can meet other like-minded readers in your area.

Finding the right pet for your apartment and your lifestyle takes time, but once you add one, you will wonder what you ever did without your new companion. If a dog is your pet of choice, consider one of the breeds on this list.

Tap Your Inner Picasso

Yes, painting can be a hobby that takes up a lot of space, but it doesn't have to be. Purchase smaller paints only as you need colors, and invest in canvas paper instead of mounted canvas. Learn to paint, and you may even be able to sell some of your work to fund your hobby!

Practice Downward Dog

Yoga is one form of exercise that is very apartment friendly. Without any rigorous aerobic moves, yoga will not bother your neighbors. Yoga will, however, help you increase your core strength and flexibility, all while promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Look online for yoga videos, or purchase a video or two you can do at home whenever you want.

Get Creative with Gardening

Yes, you can garden in an apartment. There are many indoor gardening towers or patio gardening ideas that work great in a small space. You may also have a community garden in your apartment community or around town that you can utilize. Growing your own food is both rewarding and tasty!

Get Your Game On

The world of online gaming is growing quickly, and people are now even making an income as gamers. If you love to play video games, don’t be ashamed of it! This is highly apartment-friendly hobby, and if you are any good, it can be a lucrative one too.

As you can see, a smaller space is never a hindrance when you are looking for a hobby. Each of these ideas will give you a creative release, all without adding too much stuff to your apartment space. Try out a few until you find one that is the best fit for your lifestyle and tastes.