Why to live a Disciplined Life?

Author: Robert Desuza

I had a cardiac problem. Doctor told me to wake up at 5.00 AM and go out for a walk. I followed his advice for 3 months and got checked my lipid profile. It was normal. After that I got irregular and found that my tests are going reverse.

I have found that to live a happy life one should live disciplined.

Every one should understand the discipline and should follow it.

Discipline means the rule of law. Every where in the universe there are rules and laws which are to be obeyed. Every institution, society or organization has its own rules and principles obedience to rules creates order, system and beauty in life. There are rules of the road which we must obey for our own safety and security. Discipline is the law of life. It is the foundation of every society. Life will not be possible, if there are no rules and laws. Without discipline the world will fall to pieces.

Not only men, even birds, animals and objects of nature obey rules of discipline. The Sun, moon and stars have strict discipline. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. It never violates discipline.

We have never seen the sun rising in the west and setting in the east. The earth follows a regular discipline. It moves round the sun and complete one revolution in 365¼ days. It completes one revolution round its own axis in 24 hours. This is how the day and night and the seasons come into being. Nature has its own laws and discipline. Everything, when it is let loose, falls to the ground. That is the earth’s gravitational discipline. Similarly birds of a feather flock together and animals like elephants and deer move in a herd. The universe is a cosmos (system) because it has discipline.

Some people have the misconception that discipline is the enemy of freedom. The teacher in the class observes discipline and does not allow the students to speak. The traffic constable stops our car and curtails our freedom. But it is wrong to believe that discipline is opposed to freedom. In fact discipline is a healthy check on freedom. Freedom without discipline is like a car without brakes. It is always dangerous to drive a car that has no brakes. Freedom without discipline leads to disorder, anarchy and ruin.

Discipline is given the greatest importance in military life. Every soldier has to follow the rigid rules of discipline. Violation of discipline cannot be tolerated. A soldier is not worth the name if he has no discipline. Every soldier has to salute his superiors. Obedience is the first principle there. A soldier has to obey the order, not to question it. Tennyson has rightly summed up the spirit of military discipline in the following lines:-

Their’s not to make reply,

Their’s not to reason why;

Their’s but to do and die.

No army can hope for victory if it has no discipline. The duke of wellington defeated napoleon in the battle of waterloo and said, "The battle of waterloo was won on the playing-fields of eton." The great general had learnt discipline in the playgrounds of the famous eton school. Those who wish to command must learn to obey.

The young men of today have thrown law and discipline to the winds. They enjoy breaking rules. Destroying national property is a fun for them. They go on strikes for very trivial reasons. They burn buses, set shops on fire and fight pitched battles with the police. They are up in revolt against everything. Student unrest is a universal phenomenon. Youth is in revolt everywhere. Indiscipline is not something to be proud of. The wise preach discipline, the great practice it and the foolish violate it. There is no glory in violating discipline. No one will praise the students for acts of indiscipline.

A nation is trained in schools and colleges. Discipline is very much needed there. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. We have an undisciplined nation today. Our leaders and politicians have no discipline. Perhaps they were not taught discipline in educational institutions or perhaps they never went to any school or college. it should not happen with the coming generation. We can have a disciplined nation, if young children learn the value of discipline when they are at school. Only then can our country have a bright and glorious future.