How to turn tap water into clean safe drinking water?

Author: Habib Syed

Why you should use a water filter or water purifier?

One proven fact is that many diseases caused by drinking contaminated water, we must be very careful about drinking water, make sure that the water that you are going to drink is clean and safe to drink.

If you are drinking water from the tap, that reaches to your place through a pipeline or you are using water from a plastic bottle, then more than 90% chances are that the water may be contaminated.

To avoid drinking contaminated water, it is advised to get a good quality RO water filter and purifier. It will provide you pure clean water, instantly.

A water purifier uses a reverse osmosis process to filter out contamination, dirt & dust particles and most part of harmful bacteria and cysts that may exist in the water. The water purifier with ultra violet (UV) light kills about 99% viruses.

Air and water, are the two most basic necessities of life. But unfortunately both have been getting contaminated and polluted due to industrial waste, gas and smoke etc.

Water is one of the very fundamental part of our life, we must be very careful about the water quality that we consume. Water is got contaminated due to many causes, unless we get it from the original clean source directly. It may get contaminated on the way passing through pipeline till it reaches your home or office, or if we are using water bottled into a plastic bottle, then the plastic release harmful chemical into the water due to heat and temperature.

Best way is to use a RO water filter or purifier to get clean, safe to drink healthy water. Every home and office need to install some water purification and filtration system and the drinking water should be tested properly before drinking it. Here in UAE most people uses plastic bottled water which is also not free of the contamination that is leeched in during high temperature. There are many health issues due to the contaminated water, that many people used to drink without knowing about the contamination that get into the water.

As we all know that water is an integral part of our body, so that we must ensure that the water that we drink, must be clean and free of any kind of contamination, such virus, bad bacteria, cysts, dust particles and rust particles.

There are many kinds of contamination, some are visible that we can see with our eyes or feel bad smell/odder with our nose or by feeling the bad taste. But there may be invisible contamination that we cannot detect without a good water testing tool, such as TDS meter or other water testing devices.

Not everyone has the time or knowledge or expertise to check if out drinking water is contaminated or it is safe to drink. So, to ensure that our drinking water is clean and safe to drink, we should get a good quality reverse osmosis (RO) water purifier to be used at our home or at our office.

The home RO water purifier processes the tap water in many stages, but you should get least 5 stages RO water filter. But I will recommend to go for a 7 seven stages RO water purification system with Ultra Violet (UV) system. The UV system kills almost all the viruses that may exists into the water.

If you can afford a bit higher price, then it is better to get a best quality Alkaline water filter. As it is a know fact that no virus can exist inside alkaline water, which means pure healthy water, so healthy water is equal to a healthy life. Alkaline water is also some times called the water of life. By drinking Alkaline water you will never have acidity, your immune system will get stronger, you will feel lighter and will always be having fresh feelings. It has a balanced pH level, it may keep you BP level balanced.

If you want to know more about the benefits of using alkaline water, you can find many articles about it on the internet by searching for the Alkaline water health benefits, it has various good health contents. It is recommended for every house and for every office to install a RO water filter, to protect health and have fresh clean water instantly when ever you feel to drink water.

Not only we should use water filter for drinking water, we should also fix a shower filter at out bathroom, to protect our skin and our hair. As many people know that in most cities, municipality uses chlorine or some other chemicals into the water that flows from the central tank into out homes or offices. The chlorine in out bath water causes to damage our hair, and most people get heavy hair loss or hair fall. That's why now a days there are many types of anti hair fall or anti hair loss and anti dandruff shower filters being advertised in papers and on social media at the internet.

A good quality shower filter can remove or filters out the rust particle, dust particles, chlorine and some other harmful chemicals if exists in the water, and that way it protect our skin, control the dandruff and hair loss. Also a high level of chlorine may cause an itchy and dry skin, more hair loss and puffy eyes and skin

That's why there are many water filters suppliers are popping up regularly, some with good quality products but many are supplying low quality product and not having qualified staff'. One of some good old suppliers is UltraTec, with qualified engineers and experienced team, you can find quality water treatment products with them, in Dubai UAE.