Why Are Reusable Shopping Bags The Next Big Thing?

Author: Plastic Bags

As the temperature is rising and the same is contributing towards global warming, it’s high time now to discourage the use of plastic bags. Plastic bags are not only creating issues for environment, but also for economy. That said; it is high time to go green and use biodegradable and reusable Custom printed zip lock bags or plastic bags. Here are some reasons making a strong case for these reusable bags:

  • Cheaper Alternate Reusable plastic bags are cost-effective and they are produced with a very less cost. Apart from the low cost of production, these bags are also durable and can be reused for many different purposes and for a longer time. Petroleum and natural gas used for plastic bag production are non-renewable unlike reusable bags wherein these natural resources are less used.
  • Reduced Non-renewable Resource Usage One, the cost of extraction of petroleum and other non-renewable resource is very high and second as they are scarce resource, they should be used judiciously. With the use of paper or biodegradable bags, the extraction would deplete and there will be less use of the non-renewable resource.
  • Better Landfills The dumping on the empty landfills has increased to a great extent and much of this is just plastic. If customers start using reusable paper Custom printed zip lock bags, cities will let landfills be clear and use them as more productive land. These landfills can rather be converted into parks with tall trees and plants or be used for agricultural purposes.
  • Already Recycled The recyclability cost of plastic bags is very high, almost up to $4000 per bag. The bags which are reusable generally need not go under the process of recycling as they are already made up of reusable materials.
  • Incentive and Motivation Retailers have started identifying the need of cleaner environment. That said, it is now imperative to link the initiatives of going green with incentives and motivation. Government, retailers and even the manufacturers have started adapting incentive structure to attract users to go green and utilize more of custom printed zip lock bags and biodegradable bags.
  • Multi-purpose Normally the plastic bags are utilized for single purpose for which they are manufactured. Reusable bags are more durable and they can be used for a variety of purposes unlike plastic bags that are just used for one time and single purpose. With the multi-purpose uses, it becomes popular among consumers, retailers, companies and even manufacturers.

Wrapping it all up, custom printed zip lock bags and reusable bags are really trending high. They are helpful in preserving the environment and making the manufacturing pollution free. These bags are durable, cost-effective, multi-purpose and comes with a host of other advantages making the strong case for them. Considering these bags over the other bags will also help in terms of saving the future generation and make the living all the more sustainable with less pollution and limited extraction of resources.