Prestigious AngularJS Tutorials for Beginners Worth Opting For

Author: Albert Smith

AngularJS is an MVC framework that is built on top of JavaScript and a lightweight version of jQuery. MVC frameworks separate the business logic in code from the view and the model. Without this separation, JavaScript-based web applications can quickly get out of hand when you are trying to manage all three together and a complex maze of functions.

According to one survey, more than 36.9 percent developers used Angular in the year 2018 and plan to use it in 2019 as well. Currently, AngularJS ranks second after Node.js in terms of the most used framework across the globe.

Reasons why companies love AngularJS for front-end web development

When AngularJS 4 was released in March 2017, it made JavaScript to be named the best programming language of the year. With more regular and balanced updates, Angular slowly gyrated towards stability. Developers got a special attachment to their apps because of enhanced security and features this stability provided.

Time-saver: AngularJS is a big time-saver. Previously lengthy projects are on steroids with AngularJS now. Once you split the app into various MVC components, no additional coding is required.

Easy to learn and implement: It is one of the simplest things in front-end development to get up and running with AngularJS. It is one of the easiest frameworks a developer can learn.

Unique features: With features like dependency injection, two-way data binding, constant testing, and ready to use features, AngularJS development services have evolved and come out stronger. More and more entrepreneurs and startups choose AngularJS as their preferred front-end development framework.

Here are a few prestigious as well as conclusive AngularJS tutorials for Beginners you should know about

Whether you want to work as a freelancer or with a reputed AngularJS development company, these tutorials will surely help you attain your long term goal. Regardless of the years of experience you have, the tutorials will cover everything that is Angular.

Online AngularJS Course & Tutorials – Learning Path (Pluralsight)

In order to make the most of AngularJS framework used on the web today, this course from Pluralsight can be your best bet. It teaches you the core concepts, common patterns, and best practices to build a fully functional web application using AngularJS. You can also move forward to advanced features like AngularJS services, testing, routing and more.

Begin with the Basics: Year Of MooYear of Moo is a fantastic tutorial that offers you with a basic tutorial helping one break into the AngularJS school of framework. Right from modules to services and directives, the tutorial covers everything one needs to know when starting out with AngularJS

Angular Courses from has a 12-part guide A 12 part guide which teaches you almost everything there is to know about Angular. There are detailed explanations along with curated outside info that for the most part proves incredibly useful once you begin to experiment with AngularJS.

AngularJS on Tutorialspoint

With Tutorialspoint you get a well-structured AngularJS tutorial. They divide each Angular components into specific sections. The tutorial also contains appropriate examples and editable live demo in each section. They carry basics of Angular from Setting Up the Environment until Internalization along with a quick Guide summarizing all you should know about Angular.

AngularJS in 60 minutes

In this video, author Dan Wahlin teaches you get started with the AngularJS framework and some of the key features required to build a simple SPA. It teaches you how to use directives, filters, and data binding techniques in order to capture and display data. It also teaches you views, controllers, and scope and the role they play followed by a discussion of modules, routes and factories/services. The video also teaches you how to build a sample application using AngularJS.


The desire to utilize AngularJS for front-end development has increased exponentially over the time. The awareness on how useful this JavaScript framework has proved, has caught everyone’s attention. Whether it is about learning AngularJS from scratch or upgrading your existing skills, picking up on a tutorial or two is never a bad decision.