SQL vs MySQL: What's the Difference?

Author: Rahul Rana

What is SQL?

SQL is a language which is utilized to operate your database. SQL is the basic language utilized for every one of the databases. There are minor syntax changes amongst various databases, but the basic SQL syntax remains largely the same. SQL is the abbreviation of the structured query language.

According to PHP training in Chandigarh institute, SQL is the standard language to operate a relational database management system.

SQL is utilized in the getting to, updating, and manipulation of data in a database. Its design allows you to manage data in an RDBMS such as MYSQL.

SQL language also utilized for controlling data access and for creation and modification of Database schemas.

What is MYSQL?

Created in the mid-90s., MySQL was one of the first open-source database accessible in the market. Today there are numerous alternatives variants of MySQL,. However, the differences between the variants are not significant as they utilize a similar syntax, and essential functionality also remains same.

MySQL is an RDBMS that allows data to be stored in a database. MySQL is pronounced as "My S-Q-L," however it is additionally called "My Sequel."It is named after co-founder Michael Widenius' daughter. MySQL gives a multi-user access to databases. This RDBMS system is utilized with the combination of PHP and Apache Web Server, on top of a Linux distribution. MySQL utilizes the SQL language to query the database.

Difference between SQL and MySQL





SQL is a Structured Query Language. It is useful to manage relational databases.

MySQL is an RDBMS store, retrieve, modify and administer a database using SQL.


You need to learn SQL language to use it effectively.

It is easily available through download and installation.


SQL is a query language.

MySQL is database software. It used "SQL" language to query the database.

Support for connector

SQL does not provide connectors.

MySQL provides an integrated tool called 'MySQL Workspace' to design and develop a database.


To query and operate database system.

Allows to handle, store, modify, delete data in a tabular format.


SQL commands and code are used in different RDBMS and DBMS systems, including MYSQL

MYSQL is used as an RDBMS database.


The language is fixed, and the command is the same.

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Both SQL server and MySQL has the support from their particular vendors both in free and paid form. MySQL, as we probably am aware, is presently a subsidiary of Oracle which is a Capability Maturity Model (CMM) level 5 organization and offers support by means of specialized representatives and "Virtual MySQL DBA Assistant".

On the other hand, Microsoft has been pioneering SQL server throughout the years and guaranteed help on its SQL database and Cloud storage. Furthermore, a free Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) makes it simple to migrate data from Oracle, Microsoft Access, MySQL, and Sybase to SQL Server.


SQL is a language that is used to operate your database

MySQL was one of the first open source databases available in the market

SQL is used to access, update, and manipulate data in a database

MySQL is an RDBMS that allows data to be stored in a database

SQL is a structured query language

MySQL is a database that has RDBMS for archiving, retrieving, modifying and administering databases using MYSQL

SQL is a query language whereas MYSQL database software.