Know-How to Determine an Underground Oil Tank Removal Cost in NJ

Author: Sean Erik

Old houses that are constructed between the 1930s and 90s used to install underground oil tanks to fuel heating systems. During that period tanks were made of steel, which is vulnerable to get decayed and rusted over time due to constant exposure to moisture and soil. Consequently, these tanks cause leakage of petroleum into the soil, posing a threat to overall environmental pollution including the earth and water bodies.

Owing to they’re highly toxic to environment and human wellbeing, Federal Government has been encouraging dwellers in NJ with oil tanks in their property to consider removal and careful disposal of those outdated systems and take on the responsibility to clean up the disorder, if found, backed by soil remediation process to ensure absolute health and sanitation. Mind carefully, that as leaking oil tank can damage the environment, equally your wallet with soil remediation, environmental cleanup to paying a considerable penalty. So, before facing them, get an estimate for underground oil tank removal cost in NJ for high-quality removal services. Note the following points while considering the cost.

? Opposed to above the ground tanks that are easy to access, underground oil tank removal cost in NJ is more expensive, comprehensive and time-consuming. It involves large scale excavation work, high- tech machineries, more labors, as well as skilled technicians who guide and oversee the entire removal session ensuring safe exclusion of the oil tank. If the UST (Underground Storage Tanks) is located under concrete, driveways, patios, or deck, it will naturally increase the project cost to take the things in order.

? Aside from the site of the tank, the cost will vary depending on the tank’s size and construction. The removal cost of a horizontally constructed buried tank will be lesser than that has been constructed upright. Locating and dealing with old rusted utility lines and pipes should be done with due diligence to ensure they don’t temper as well mix with the soil or oil tank contents.

? After removal, an oil tank needs to be decontaminated which can be done by melting or cleaning with needed chemicals can then be recycled as scrap. Consult with a professional service provider to make sure that you get the estimate of underground oil tank removal cost in NJ to with full breakup of the expenditure with no hiding cost.

? If you like to stay with oil tank system only and consider a replacement, henceforth go for over the ground tanks those are made of anti-corrosion plastic items with metal exteriors. A specialist company can assume tank removal to soil cleanup, as well as disposal to reinstallation of the tank etc. services that minimize the total cost of the project.

? Removal of oil tank will require you to apply for a permit, which is chargeable by municipal authorities and varies between cities and townships. Your service provider will take the responsibility to get the permit fast from the authorities and usually don’t charge anything towards handling fee while you’ve to bear the permit cost.

? To get a public grant available in NJ for leaking oil tanks, talk to your service provider and find if you are eligible to avail the same which can reduce your total cost of tank removal in NJ.

Simple Tank Services is a residential oil tank service company providing services such as above-ground & underground oil tank removal and soil remediation which includes soil disposal, soil treatment, soil land assessments, air sparing, soil vapor extraction, soil testing, etc. in New Jersey. To know more, visit