How Social Media can Influence your Personal Injury Claim

Author: Chris Lucero

Majority of people today use social media in one way or another. While social media has introduced us to a totally different world where we get to connect with each other and share updates, it has also led to exposing an array of our own information to others. According to Albuquerque personal injury attorney, there could arise circumstances when something that we post might backfire on ourselves later. This is particularly true when it comes to personal injury claims. Here’s how:

Contradicting your Own Testimony:

Sometimes you might have already posted something that conflicts with what you have described in the testimony. For instance, if you claim that you have a broken arm and you posted on social media about your recent bowling practice, that would adversely impact your claim. This is how contradicting social media posts will affect your case.

Comments from Family & Friends:

Expert personal injury attorney in Albuquerque NM states that comments posted by your family or friends will also have a direct impact on your case. Sometimes such witnesses would unintentionally make a social media post that contradicts your injury claims. Such statements could hurt the evidence in the case and reduce the chances of success.

Social Media Check-Ins:

Sites such as Foursquare and Facebook that allows us to post check-ins will show others what you are actually involved in, which could possibly contradict with your claims. For example, checking in at your yoga class on weekends when you claim that you need to take bed rest for weeks will definitely be counted against you.

Why Social Media Posts are Acceptable?

While out-of-court statements are usually considered as inadmissible hearsay, social media posts are an exception. Since you introduce a personal injury claim, the statements you make to others outside of court will be considered against you, as you are a party involved in the case. This is why your social media posts will be evaluated as your statements that are acceptable in court.

Here’s What You Should Do:

Albuquerque personal injury attorney suggests that when bringing a personal injury claim, make sure to not post anything on your social media accounts. If it is really necessary for you to use social media, use it in moderation and stick to simply liking or sharing the posts of your family and friends or general news articles.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney:

Hiring a personal injury law firm in Albuquerque is imperative if you have a personal injury claim. With their experience and expertise, they can guide you more on your social media usage and explain how they will safely present your case. Get in touch with an expert to increase the chances of your success and get the compensation you deserve.

The author is a renowned Albuquerque personal injury attorney with over 4 years’ experience dealing with personal injury cases. This write-up explains how social media shall impact one’s personal injury case. For more, visit