The reason behind visiting the Mountain Uhud by pilgrims
After proceeding the Umrah, numbers of pilgrims visit different Islamic places to recall the history of Islam by seeing their open eyes. As well as concern is to visit the Uhud Mountain, so there is a great hidden history of disobedience of few Muslims for whom the Muslim army had to face the loss. Actually, the Battle of Uhud was the result of the Battle of Badar in which the pagan Arabs were to carry their several corpses.
When the chiefs of disbelievers sensed the unpleasant danger the supremacy of Islam they got violent and decided to kill the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) but Allah (SWT) rescued His beloved Messenger. Certainly, the Hijr (migration) from Mecca to Medina was proved unusual for the growth of Islam. So, Quraysh of Mecca challenged Muslims once again in order to compensate for the revenge of the Battle of Badar.
Thus, whoever challenges Islam, certainly fails because Islam is the only true faith on the earth which rescues man from the fire of the hell. If we want to save from the fire of hell, so we should pardon for our sins. And the best place for salvation is the holy Kaaba. Therefore, if you get an opportunity to visit the Kaaba through Cheap Flight with Hajj Umrah Packages 2020 which will be proved the finest Umrah experience in all aspects, so you can live up your desires. Plenty of pilgrims make their plans in the month of Ramadan to perform Umrah as they realize the blessings of this sacred month because Allah (SWT) showers His blessings upon the earth throughout the Ramadan.
Also, the Holy Quran was started to reveal in this blessed month, therefore Allah (SWT) immense likes Ramadan. As Ramadan starts, so meanwhile all the bad spirits are arrested and put into the cells throughout the month. Thus, there are very fewer chances to astray the man into wrong ways by Satan. Moreover, pilgrims are in the sympathetic state in the month of Ramadan, so Allah (SWT) surely accepts their pray and regards with huge reward even equal to Hajj.So, if you want to get the Hajj’s equal reward, then Last 10 Days Ramadan Umrah Packages will increase your virtues. As the Messenger of Allah-Almighty said that Umrah proceeding in Ramadan is equal to Hajj’s reward.
Because after recalling the tests, pilgrims feel the real motive of life and make the strong promise (Taubah) not to do gain any sin either minor or major. That’s why it is said that when someone performs the Umrah flawless he/she takes the new birth. As Allah’s Apostle said that Umrah is the atonement of all previous sins. However, Umrah must be in pure Niyyah for salvation but not for showoff because several people waste the reward of Umrah because of realizing their prominence in the front of others. Allah (SWT) rains of blessing on that person who earns virtues in extremely hidden ways. However, before facing both armies, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instructed to archers that they should not leave their defending spot (at the top of the hill) whatever the fight was won or lost. However, Muslims became successful to run the enemy but the archers could not carry on the order of Muhammad (SAW) because of realizing the battle as one-sided, so they landed from top of the hill to meet their army.
As they left their defending places the disbelievers again simultaneously attacked from the back side, eventually, the Muslims had to meet the great loss. Hazrat Hamza (RA) the Uncle of Muhammad (SAW) got martyrdom in the battle of Uhud which was the huge horrible loss for the Muslims.